Wizard Spell Scroll Recog Magic Magic Level Casting Convers Enchant Items Combat 1 2 9% 50% 15% +1 vs Spells 2 4 18 54 20 +1 Spell Strength 3 6 27 58 25 +1 vs Circles/Wards 4 8 36 62 30 2 Spell attacks per melee 5 10 45 66 35 +2 vs Spells 6 12 54 70 40 +2 Spell Strength 7 14 62 74 45 +2 vs Circles/Wards 8 16 70 78 50 Can use/create protection circles 9 18 74 80 55 +3 vs Spells 10 20 78 82 60 +3 Spell Strength 11 22 82 84 65 +3 vs Circles/Wards 12 24 86 86 70 Sense Evil 55% 13 26 90 88 75 +4 vs Spells 14 28 94 90 80 +4 Spell Strength 15 30 98 92 85 +4 vs Circles/Wards

Wizard OCC Attribute requirements: IQ 10, ME 10 OCC Skills: Spell Casting, Magic combat, Scroll Conversion, Recognize Magic Item, Recognize Enchantment, Speak 2 Additional language(+40%), Read/Write(+70%) Initial spell Knowledge: Decipher magic, Sense Magic, 3 lvl 1 or 2 spells, 1 other spell. Elective Skills: choose 6 at 1, 3 at 3, 3 at 8, 3 at 12 Secondary Skills: choose 8 at lvl 1, 4 at 4, 4 at 10

Skills: Recognize Runes Study Circles Study Symbols Study Wards HtH: Non Men of Arms

Additional Language(+40) Art(+15) Astrology(Astronomy)(+10) Demon and Devil Lore(+15) Disguise(+5%) Faerie Lore(+15) Forgery(+5) History(+20) Identify Plants/Fruits(+5) Mathmatics(+20) Medical(+18) Navigation(+10) Pick Locks(+3) Pick Pockets(+4) Play Instrument(+5) Poetry(+10) Preserve food(+6) Prospecting(Geology)(+5) Prowl(+4) Recognize Place of Power(+20) Recognize poison(+10) Religious doctrine(+20) Sense of direction(+10) Use Poison(+6) Ventriloquism(+5)

W.P. Blunt W.P. Knives W.P. Short Swords W.P. Small Shield W.P. Staves W.P. Throwing Ax W.P. Cross Bow W.P. Sling W.P. Small Thrown(shurikens, knives, spikes, etc.)