Priest Spell Sense Recog Magic Level Casting Evil Enchant Combat 1 2 7% 5% +1 save vs Spells 2 3 14 10 +1 save vs Circles/wards 3 4 21 15 +1 save vs Psionics 4 5 28 20 +1 Spell Strength 5 7 35 25 2 spell attacks per melee 6 8 41 30 +2 save vs Spells 7 10 47 34 +2 save vs Circles/wards 8 11 53 38 Recognize Magic Items 25% 9 13 59 42 +2 save vs Psionics 10 14 65 46 +2 spell Strength 11 16 70 50 granted 1 greater ability(ie make holy weapons) 12 17 75 55 +3 save vs Spells 13 19 80 60 +3 save vs Circles 14 20 85 65 +3 save vs Psionics 15 22 90 70 +3 spell Strength

Priest OCC Attribute requirements: IQ 9, PE 9, ME 10 OCC Skills: Spell Casting, Magic combat, 6 clerical abilities, Sense Evil, Recognize enchantment, Speak secret tongue of Religion, Speak one Additional language(+25%) Elective Skills: choose 6 at 1, 3 at 3, 3 at 8, 3 at 12 Secondary Skills: choose 6 at lvl 1, 4 at 4, 4 at 10

Skills: Recognize Runes Study Symbols

Additional Language(+25) Agriculture(+4) Cook(+8) Dance(+10) Demon Devil Lore(+20) Disguise(+5) Dowsing(+12) Faerie Lore(+10) Identify Plants/Fruits(+8) Imitate voices(+4) Locate Secret Doors/Compartments(+6) Mathmatics(+5) Medical(+10) Navigation(+5) Paint(+5) Play String instrument(+8) Play Wind instument(+10) Preserve food (+4) Prowl(+5) Racial Histories(+10) Read/Write(+30) Recognize Poison(+10) Recognize Precious Metals/Stones(+15) Religious Doctorine(+30) Sailing(+12) Sense of Direction (+10) Sing(+10) Swim(+15) Tracking(+5) Use Poison(+10) Ventriloquism(+10)

HtH: By Diety WP: by Diety Other OCC Skills by Deity