
7 day week 48 day month (i.e. 4 week month) leap week [Olympia] every year divisible by 5 unless divisible by 40, then no leap year unless divisible by 400, then it is a leap year

Week 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Week 2 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Week 3 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Week 4 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Week day names Apollo Artemis Ares Hermes Zeus Aphrodite Hera

13 months Athena Winter Solstice (Dec 21, Ath 8) Poseiden Hades Persephone Spring Equinox (Mar 20, Per 15) Demeter Rhea Gaea Summer Solstice (Jun 20, Gaea 22) Heracles [Week of Olympia] Hephaestus Hestia Dionysus Fall Equinox (Sept 22, Dionysus 1) Aeolus Hecate


day of the week breakdown

A A D Z A H p r e u t e p t m e h r o e e s e a l m t n l i e a o s r

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

Months Poseiden Hades > winter months Hera / Demeter Gaea | Rhea | Zues > Growing Season Appollo | Athena | Dionysus / Olympia(special month that occurs only once every 4 seasons with only 21 days)

Seasons each season is alittle less than one year in length and represents a growing season. 4 seasons and one Olipia month make up one olimpian year.

Poseiden Hades Hera Zeus

Holidays and festivals Persephone (Demeter 8): Planting/ Fertility Festival Prometheus (Gaea 1): Honor this Titan's Sacrifice's and all educators Pan (Dionoysus 30): Harvest party Ale and wines flow like water Aphrodite (Appollo 5): A day of romance and gift giving Heracles (Zues 4): A day set aside to honor great warriors and heroes

Olypia (the 21 days between 36 Zues Zues, and 1 Poseiden Poseiden): This is a time of feasting, pilgrimage, and the olypic games. It is said that the gods themselves come to watch the games disquised as common folk. Winning the games in any event will often lead to near instant renown.

Years Count off from when the first olympics were held.

Dates The days of the week are seldom used in dates. They are usaully used to talk of up commiing events.(ie. i will finish this cart repair by Demeter day)

Calander dates are read day month season year. The first Olypics Ended 1 Poseiden Poseiden 1. The Next Olypia Started 36 Zues Zues 2. Days in Olipia are ussuly shown by the day number followed by the year The date of 3 3 would be such a date.