General Conversion stats for Ships
Capital Ships: Hull: Square the number then multiply by 2k to get MDC Ex.: 7D of hull = 772000 = 98,000 MDC = 98k MDC Shields: Same, applies to Energy Only Ex.: 3D of Shields = 332000 = 18,000 MDC = 18k MDC Weapons: Damage: Double dice the number then multiply by 100 to get MD Ex.: 5D Turbolaser = 5d5*100 = max 2500 MD Range: Multiply by 10 to get KiloMeters, space only Ex.: 75 range = 750 km
Small Ships: Hull: Multiply the number by 100 to get MDC Ex.: 4D hull = 400 MDC Shields: Multiply the number by 100 to get MDC, energy attacks only Ex.: 2D shields = 200 MDC Weapons: Damage: Double dice the number then multiply by 10 to get MD Ex.: 6D Laser = 6d6x10 MD Range: Number given = KiloMeters, space only Ex.: 25 range = 25 km
General: Hyperdrive: 100 light years per hour divided by the rating. Ex.: Hyperdrive 0.5 (Millennium Falcon) is 200 LY/hour Note: Hyperdrives are much more susceptable to gravitational influences than G-drives (Phase World), so may take a longer time than straight-line (GM determines)