Jugurtha is a land which lies in the northern part of the outer ring. The outer most part is full of high mountains. The inner part is a plain which has a rivers running through it like a series of roads. These roads originate in the Mountains and work there way into the sea. These rivers are used by the Dwarves to export their goods to the people of the world.
The temperature in the mountains are very cold it can get to -60 F in the winter time with wind chill. In the summer it does not get much warmer the 50 degrees F. Since the dwarves and orcs live underground the wind is not a factor and the temperatures are not nearly as bad. The strongholds are heated by the smelting of metal anyhow so, the stronghold is pretty much heated.
The Six Towers are the six stronghold of the monarchies. Each race has his own stronghold. The strongholds are each built in it's own mountain. The six mountains are set up like a star of David. Each mountain is one of the star's points. In the middle of the six mountains is Lake Kili. The strongholds each are ruled by the King of the race. The strongholds from the most north and then around clockwise are Thorbainzak, Ovzurlode, Gilaimjak, Dwgolaest, Fjolnirdukr, Bofmormek. All of these strongholds are 15 generations old.
Thorbainzak is the Mountain dwarf stronghold. It is inhabited by 800 mountain dwarves. Thorbainzak was built on a Mithril Mine. Throbainzak's militia are well trained and use weapon and armor made from Mithril. The King's privates guards are the most feared dwarven army in the world. The King's guards are all direct relatives of King Thorbain I and all are berserkers with the blood of Thor in them.
History: Thorbainzak was built by King Thorbain I. King Thorbain I is said to be the son of the God Thor and a dwarf by the name of Balila. Balila was the princess of the Mountain dwarves. She bore Thorbain and he became king when his father Gimvak died. Thorbain was a great warrior who would get so into battle that he would go berserk. He was the first berserker. He would go berserk because he had the blood of Thor is him and the berserker rage was thunder trying to escape his body. King Thorbain was such a feared warrior that the other Kings of the other dwarves all signed treaties with him so he would not conquer their Kingdoms. Thorbain I accepted the treaties but want to keep a watch full eye on the Kings. Thorbain asked his father for advise. Thor answered by raising the Six Towers from the sea and told Thorbain to have all the dwarven kings build there strongholds on the Island. The other Kings did so in order not to have to face Thorbain's wraith. That happened 15 generations ago.
Ovzurlode is the hill dwarves' stronghold. It contains 800 hill dwarves. Ovzurlode was built on a Platinum mine.
History: When Thorbain came to the hill dwarves and told them that their king had to go to the island of the six towers it was simple. The Hill dwarves had a long lineage royal family. The King was Grundi. He was a very old dwarf who had spent his whole life in his stronghold he was born their and he wanted to die there. His eldest son was the exact opposite. His name was Ovzur and he did not want to live in the stronghold for his whole life. To solve this problem King Grundi allowed his son to become the King of the Hill dwarves and Grundi would remain the ruler of his stronghold. Ovzur named the tower after himself.
Gilaimjak is the Gully dwarves' stronghold. It contains 400 gully dwarves. Gilaimjak was built on an iron mine.
History: Thorbain went to the largest clan of gully dwarves and told them that they too would need to send a King. Now none of the gully dwarves wanted to be the king. They thought it would be to much of a responsibility to rule over people. So the smartest gully dwarf came up with an idea on how to choose the king. His name was Gilaim. He came up with the idea that there would be a lottery for who the king would be. In this village of gully dwarves there was one gully dwarf that was even undesirable by their standards. His name was Smid. The way the lottery worked was that every dwarf would put their name on a piece of cloth and then put the cloth in a barrel full of water. They would mix the barrel up and Gilaim would pull out the name of who would be the king. All the dwarves put their name on pieces of cloth and put them in the barrel. Gilaim mixed the barrel with an oar and pulled out the name. To his surprise the name had run off the cloth so Giliam decided that if Smid became the King, it would be a good way to get him out of the village. Gilaim called Smid's name. When Smid heard the news he was upset for he did not place his name in the barrel because he could not read or write. Gilaim told him that he entered his name and then showed Smid the cloth, Since Smid did not want to look dumb by not being able to read the cloth, Smid just assumed that it was his name and he became King. Smid latter learned that his name was not pulled and became bitter about it. So when he had to name the tower he named after Gilaim because he was so angry when he thought about being the king all he would grumble was Gilaim name and then mumble curse about him under his breath and that became the towers official name.
Dwgolaest is the Duerger dwarves' stronghold. It contains 600 Duerger dwarves. Dwgolaest was built on a diamond mine.
History: Thorbain I wanted a representative of each of the dwarven subraces to be the king of their subrace and to live in the respective tower. While the Duerger dwarves did not have one accepted king. So Duerger being greedy as they are started to fight with each other for the title of King. The battles last for over 30 years. At the end it came down to two Duerger clans each Headed by who they want as King. Svidi was a head of one clan and Hosvir was the head of another. The two clans fought for 5 years before the last epic battle. Svidi to his troop of warriors and invaded Hosvir stronghold. Svidi's army dug tunnels into Hosvir's Stronghold and surprised Hosvir's army and defeated the army and slued all the members of Hosvir's army including Hosvir's eldest son, Fjori. Hosvir accepted to the defeat of his army but he could not handle the murder of his son. That night while Svidi and his army was celebrating Hosvir sent an assassin to kill Svidi's beautiful older daughter Dwgola as revenge for his son. When Svidi saw what happened to his daughter Svidi could not handle to see that his daughter dead because of his greed and He killed himself. Svidi's chief general became King. His name was Hedin and he named the stronghold after Svidi's slain daughter Dwgola.
Fjolnirdukr is the Deep dwarves stronghold. It contains 700 deep dwarves. Fjolnirdukr is built on a gold mine.
History: When the deep dwarves had to choose a king from their clans they remembered there was an old rune written in one of the most ancient caverns of the deep dwarves strongholds. This cavern was supposedly written by Odin himself. The writing one the walls were written in ancient runes that none of the deep dwarves could read. The end of the message said that the "much-knowing one" (Fjolnir) will be able to read and use this magic language and will become King when the dwarf lords unite. Upon this all the scholars of the land tried to interpret the script. Finally a young deep dwarf no older then 23. He was an outsider from the villages. He was strong and looked to be almost carved from stone. He came and read the script. At this point a loud voice rained down from the heavens and it was the voice of Odin. He told them that this was Fjolnir and he was given the secret of runes and he will be the new King. Fjolnir was an orphan of a dwarven family that was slain by orcs. He was risen in a cave by an avatar of Odin in the shape of a raven. Fjolnir became the King.
Bofmormeik is the sundred dwarves stronghold. It contains 500 sundred dwarves. Bofmormeik is built on a silver mine.
History: The sundred dwarves had an established King in King Austri. He was the grand son of the sundred's greatest hero and liberator Bofmor. At the time of Bofmor's birth the sundred dwarves had been in the captive of Verdandi a clan of stone giants. The stone giants used the dwarves to mine for them and work as pack animals. From the time Bofmor was a young boy he was a very stout dwarf. He was also very cunning. When he was older and had a child of his own he did not want his son to grow up in captivity as a slave. Bofmor decided that he would trick the giants by getting them in a cave and then causing an avalanche and trapping the giants in a tomb of stone. They got the giants to go into the cave by saying that they needed a hand carrying out a diamond the size of three dwarves. All of the giants were excited by the news and want to see the diamond. The whole clan of giants went into the cave and the dwarves tried to cause an avalanche but the rocks got jammed. The only way for the rocks to fall was if a dwarf jumped on the rocks and caused the avalanche. Bofmor with out a second thought jumped on the pile of rocks and the collapsed and buried him with the giants in a tomb of stone. Bofmor made a sacrifice that liberated the whole race of dwarves. When Bofmor is mentioned in a conversation all sundred dwarves known who they are talking about. Ever year there is a pilgrimage to the sight of Bofmor's tomb. Bofmor's son became King and then passed his title to his son, Austri.
Tokifzar is the newly added orc tower which was added to the seven towers. It is composed of 800 orcs.
History: After the Orc were allied with the dwarves for long enough and had spilled blood on each other side they saw that they were as not different as they thought. Orc and Dwarven culture were very similar. Thorbain XIII decided to let the orcs join the dwarves as brothers in there mighty kingdom. The only thing the orcs needed was to appoint a king. The orcs were not a well organized monarchy like the dwarves and had to decided how to get a king from their people. The way they decided to accomplish this was to have any one who wanted to become king to go into a free for all battle with the other contestants, the last person to survive would be king. Over 400 orcs from around Jugurtha came for this big battle that would take place in the creator of an inactive volcano. The battle lasted for 6 days. The battle was down to two orcs Toki and Ulf. Ulf was a great warrior among the orcs. He had killed more foes then any other of the orcs in the contest. Toki on the other hand was a smaller then Ulf and had not killed many foes at all. Toki and Ulf squared off in the middle of the crater. Toki knew he was no match for Ulf, this large and powerful warrior. Toki instead tried to fool Ulf. Toki set up a dead contestant with strings and told Ulf that he was alive. Toki said if they both teamed up against this new foe that it would guarantee that one of the two would become the new King. Ulf fell for the trick and when Ulf attacked the already fallen foe, Toki stabbed Ulf in the back. Toki had become the new king and named the tower after himself. Toki became a very unpopular, because he had won by back stabbing one of his own kind. The orcs rebelled and killed Toki and his supporters. A new king had been raised and his name was Yngvi and he became a popular king during his life time.
The mountains of Jugurtha are split by many flowing river. The rain collects against the mountains and forms rivers. These rivers allow for the dwarves to trade with the world. These mountain rivers are very shallow and are uncrossable by most ships. The dwarves however have been using a orcish ship for years, the longship. The ship is light weight and can be carried over parts of water were it is to shallow for the ship. The boat also floats high on the water and can venture in the shallow rivers. These rivers are very interesting because they even go through mountains to underground springs.
Jugurtha is inhabited by dwarves and orcs. They have a strong fortified kingdom which has never been conquered. Their mountain fortresses are considered to be unconquerable. The elves were never able to conquer Jugurtha in all their years of attempts. The Jugurthans are some of the most fierce warriors in the world. Orcs and the dwarves have allied after years in which they were foes. The alliance started after the Elves tried to conquer them. The orcs and dwarves knew that if they worked together they would be able to hold off the elves and now the Atlanteans. Their alliance is now about 500 years old. Through this time there has been relations between Orcs and Dwarves, they are called Vigors.
The Jugurthans have no love for the Seraphs. In the time of the Hadrianic Empire the Seraphs allied with the elves to conquer the dwarves and orcs. The dwarves and orcs are currently in war with the seraphs.
Name: Hill Dwarves
 Description: Hill dwarves are dwarves that live in the lower mountains of Jugurtha. These lower mountains would be considered average mountains in the rest of the world but in Jugurtha they are considered hills. They are the closest cousins to the mountain dwarves.
Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, -2 Cha
Special Advantages: as in Players Handbook
Special Hindrances: as in Players Handbook
Life Expectancy: 350 years
Name: Mountain
 Description: Mountain dwarves are dwarves that live in the high mountains of Jugurtha. They are considered to be the most ancient dwarves. All dwarves are supposed to have derived from the mountain dwarves.
Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, -2 Cha
Special Advantages: as in Players Handbook
Special Hindrances: as in Players Handbook
Life Expectancy: 400 years
Name: Deep Dwarves
Description: Deep dwarves are dwarves who live very deep in the mountains. Many deep dwarves spend their lives with out seeing the sun. They are considered to be dwarves who where once mountain dwarves but due to an invasion or other problem had to dig deeper for safety.
Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, -4 Cha
Special Advantages: as in Players Handbook
Special Hindrances: as in Players Handbook
Life Expectancy: 380 years
Name: Duerger
Description: Duerger dwarves are dwarves who dwell in deeper in the mountains then deep dwarves. Duergers are an eviler breed of dwarves. They are considered to be dwarves who were once mountain dwarves who were driven underground because they were kicked out of their clan.
Ability Adjustments: +2 Con, -4 Cha
Special Advantages: as in Players Handbook
Special Hindrances: as in Players Handbook
Life Expectancy: 400 years
Name: Sundred
 Desription: Sundred are surface dwelling dwarves. They are claustrophobic and will not go underground like their cousins. They are considered to be mountain dwarves who were for some reason forced out of their underground homes (maybe invasion or disater) and made their homes on the surface. While deep and Duergers went deeper, sundred went shallower.
Ability Adjustments: +1 Str, +2 Con, -3 Cha
Special Advantages: as in Players Handbook
Special Hindrances: as in Players Handbook
Life Expectancy: 250 years
Name: Gully Dwarves
Description: Gully Dwarves are the dirties of the dwarves. They are the dwarves whom are looked down upon by other dwarves. They are dumber then the other dwarves. They have made their livings as rouges and beggars. Gully dwarves are not respected by the other dwarves.
Ability Adjustments: +1 Dex, +2 Con, -2 Cha, -1 Int
Special Advantages: as in Players Handbook
Special Hindrances: as in Players Handbook
Life Expectancy: 250 years
Personality Orcs once were a cruel and bloodthirsty race. Then they made peace with the dwarves. The orcs became a more peaceful race. They still can be cruel and indifferent but they are not as cruel as before. They do not believe in humanoid sacrifice anymore. They do how ever enjoy pillaging. They go out on their longships and attack cities all over the world. They mainly attack Atlantean cities but they will attack anywhere they can get some treasure or slaves.
Physical DescriptionOrcs are a race of humanoids who are very primitive looking. They have grayish green skin. coarse hair, low forehead, and porcine faces with prominent lower canines that resemble boars teeth. They have lupine ears, their eyes are reddish. They look very dirty and unkempt.
Orc society is patriachical: Females are prized possessions at best and chattel at worst. Male orcs pride themselves in the number of females they own and the number of male children they sire, as well as their battle prowess, wealth, and amount of territory.
RelationsOrcs have made peace with the dwarves, once their greatest foe. They have been living in dwarven society and have been a great addition to the dwarven monarchies (now the dwarven and orcish monarchies). Orcs hate the Seraphs. The Seraphs believe that they own the mountains and the orcs believe that orcs and dwarves do. Orcs have and understanding with the fomorains in the fact that they do not hate each other. Orcs hate the elves to for the years that they have warred against them. All the rest of the races of the world are just prey to their attacks.
Alignment Orcs tend toward being chaotic neutral. They are not evil, but they will take advantage of the weak and will attack just for money.
Lands Orcs live in the mountains of Jugurtha. They also live on the plains in the forest of Jugurtha.
Religion Their religion is seen later in the religion section, Orcs and dwarves have the same religion.
Language Once orcs had a language which was very similar to the goblins but now it has evolved into a language which is very similar to the dwarves. They have the same alphabet, but they still have their own spelling for words and they still have their own language.
Adventurers A common reason for orcs to go adventuring is that it is common in orc society to attack cities in distant lands. This has been a normal part of orc society since an orc made a longship.
Racial Traits
These are the common types of orcs which one is used to knowing about. The description above is the description of a mountain orc.
Ability Adjustments: +4 Str, -2 Int, Wis, Cha
Special Advantages: as above
Special Hindrances: as above
Life Expectancy: 40 years
These orcs are less barbaric then other orcs. They are more intelligent and more civil. They are very talented smiths (though not as good as dwarves). They make there homes in the mountains and usually live among the other orcs. many of the mitigated orcs become elders in strongholds and are seeked after for advice.
Ability Adjustments: +2 Str, -2 Wis, Cha
Special Advantages: as above and +1 to craft skills involving stone or metal
Special Hindrances: as above
Life Expectancy: 60 years
These orcs live in the deep forests, where no light is ever exposed. These orcs are just if not so more barbaric then the mountain orcs. They live in large wooden stronghold and usually raise dire wolves as mounts for themselves. They are notorious thieves and bandits.
Ability Adjustments: +4 Str, -2 Int, Wis, Cha
Special Advantages: as above, +2 Hide and Move Silently in forests
Special Hindrances: as above, they do not receive the stonecunning ability.
Life Expectancy: 40 years
Personality Vigors are a very young race. Vigors did not exist until after the orcs and the dwarves made peace with each other. Vigors personality is a mix between an orc and a dwarf. This will not make them the most popular person to most races. They however are not as talented in crafts as either of the races. They usually become warriors because they are built lie tanks. They are seen as lovable strong idiots.
Physical DescriptionVigors are a cross breed between dwarves and orcs. They are about an inch shorter then humans but they are wider then dwarves. Vigors are a very powerful race physically. The problem is in the cross breading they have mental defects.
Vigors have skin that ranges from a light green to a flesh colored skin with a green hint. Their hair ranges from midnight black to a blood red.. Their eyes can range from yellow to brown. Weighing over 300 pounds is common for male vigors. That is 300 pounds of pure muscle.
Vigors make excellent soldiers as long as they do not have to make commands. They are fanatically loyal to the kingdom. Usually a dwarven commander makes the martial decisions for them. Vigors are usually only useful for military life. They do not have the aptitude for crafts like dwarves do or orc do for mining.
Relations Vigors are very fond of their parent races, that being dwarves and orcs. They share their parentsÂ’ hatred of Seraphs and Elves. They are indifferent about any other race.
Alignment Vigors are usually neutral good. Vigors have lived their lives in a very dwarven dominated society and act much like dwarves.
Lands Vigors live with the orcs and dwarves.
Religion They have the same religion as their parents.
Language Vigors are fluent in usually both dwarf and orc.
Adventurers Vigors would become adventurers because they do not have the mental capacity to become tradesmen and the only thing they are good at is fighting.
Racial Traits
The Dwarves started their calendar date with the raising of the six towers.
In this generation the first great recorded war between the Orcs and Dwarves had begin. The war was long and there were great loses on both sides of the war. The war brought all of the strongholds in Jugurtha into the war. The war ended with a peace treaty but no unification between the two mountain dwelling races.
There was a peace between the nations but not a peace between the all the strongholds. Many orc and dwarven strong holds were at war with each other. Orcs would raid strongholds and knew that this would not start a war because of the peace treaty.
This war was bloodier then the first war. Each side had causalities that were over 50% of their population. This time there was no sparing women and children. Strongholds would be conquered and there would be no prisoners. The war was so brutal that it almost caused both races to become extinct. This war made the dwarves and the orc despise one another, no longer was it battle over property, now it was a battle to rid the world of the other. The war had so many casualties that the kings themselves fought in these wars. The war ended but the standoff had begun.
During this generation there was no talk between the two nations for a long-lasting peace. Each side built up their armies and were prepared for war. During this generation there was no art produced, there was only weapons of war produced. There never was single battle between the two but there was a lot of close calls. Each side was ready at a drop of a hat to go to war.
The dwarves and orcs of this generation were much more civilized and did not see the horror of a great war. They were tired of this uneasy standoff and decided to talk to the other side. These talks brought peace among the orcs and dwarves. This was the first time in their histories that both were planning on peace for a change.
During these generations the orcs and the dwarves started to become more of brothers. In 12/348/323, the first orc and dwarf stronghold was created. This stronghold made many conservatives nerves but it ended up working by the end of the 12th Generation there were 4 dual owned strongholds.
During this generation the elves were the most powerful race in the world. The Seraphs, who were always on the outs with the dwarves, allied with the elves to battle against the dwarves. The dwarves saw the threat that would occur because of this alliance and then allied themselves with orcs. The alliance with the orcs came out to be the best in the end. The enemies of Jugurtha were never able to invade the mountains of Jugurtha successfully and they finally gave up. The orcs became very trusted friends and by the end of the generation the became clans members with the dwarves. Since now that the orcs were clans members they now constructed another tower to stand with their brother's towers. The Six Towers now became the Seven Towers.
In this generation the Atlanteans have become the power of the world. An upstart general of Atlantis has just declared war on Jugurtha. the name of the general is Tiberius Metullus.
The dwarves use a system of coins for their money. But when talking about money it is not in the number of coins but instead in the weight of the coins. This is because when the six dwarven monarchs first united each kingdom had different size coins which were all considered to be the same. So kingdoms with smaller coins were spending less money to get more. The correction to this problem is the weighing of coins. Many unscrupulous dwarves will try to coat lead coins in gold to make the coins seem to be worth more but this is uncommon in dwarven society. Each clan produces their own coins. There are thousands of different coins that are accepted in Jugurtha.
Jugurtha are organized in a series of kingdoms. There are many strongholds which may have any type of government. But this strongholds are part of a Jugurtha.
The Jugurtha has seven kings. Each of the kings represents on race. Each of these kings are only sought after for advice. The Kings do not have absolute power over the whole of the Kingdom. Each stronghold is a self sufficient unit. Some of the minor strongholds themselves have kings. Some of the strongholds are more democratic. But there is still a head to the Kingdom and that is the seven kings.
The seven kings are mainly just used for advise and to give some strongholds some support for their wars against Atlantis.
The six Kings have been in power for about 15 generations and the orc king has been in power for 2 generations. The mountain dwarf king is the most powerful of the kings and claims to be a direct descendant of the god, Thor.
Each stronghold creates their own laws as they see fit. There are few times that one of the kings will come into a stronghold and put his own laws in. The strongholds are all independent and their laws are independent as well.
The dwarves and the orcs are considered to be equals socially. Orcs are actually more desirable then some of the dwarf sub-races like gully dwarves.
The religion of Jugurtha is that of the Norse.
The chief divinity
of the pantheon, the foremost of the Aesir. Odin is a son of Bor and Bestla.
He is called Alfadir, Allfather, for he is indeed father of the gods. With
Frigg he is the father of Baldur, Hod, and Hermod. He fathered Thor on the
goddess Jord; and the giantess Grid became the mother of Vidar.
Odin is a god of war and death, but also the god of poetry and wisdom. He hung for nine days, pierced by his own spear, on the world tree. Here he learned nine powerful songs, and eighteen runes. Odin can make the dead speak to question the wisest amongst them. His hall in Asgard is Valaskjalf ("shelf of the slain") where his throne Hlidskjalf is located. From this throne he observes all that happens in the nine worlds. The tidings are brought to him by his two raven Huginn and Muninn. He also resides in Valhalla, where the slain warriors are taken.
Odin's attributes are the spear Gungnir, which never misses its target, the ring Draupnir, from which every ninth night eight new rings appear, and his eight-footed steed Sleipnir. He is accompanied by the wolves Freki and Geri, to whom he gives his food for he himself consumes nothing but wine. Odin has only one eye, which blazes like the sun. His other eye he traded for a drink from the Well of Wisdom, and gained immense knowledge.
On the day of the final battle, Odin will be killed by the wolf Fenrir. He is also called Othinn, Wodan and Wotan.
God of War, Wisdom, Poetry, Knowledge
Symbol: Blue Eye
Domains: Animal, Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection, Strength, War(spear)
Alignment: any
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: Odin's priest must be cunning warriors who protect the stronghold and lead his troops into battle. They must always be in the front line in a battle. Through runes the priests of Odin can read omens.
Rights: They have all of the rights that a chieftain or king of the stronghold has.
Restrictions: Priest of Odin must be a chieftian or king of their stronghold.
As the wife of
Odin, Frigg is one of the foremost goddesses of the mythology. She is the
patron of marriage and motherhood, and the goddess of love and fertility. In
that aspect she shows many similarities with Freya, of whom she possibly is a
different form.
She has a reputation of knowing every person's destiny, but never unveils it. As the mother of Baldur, she tried to prevent his death by extracting oaths from every object in nature, but forgot the mistletoe. And by a fig made from mistletoe Baldur died. Her hall in Asgard is Fensalir ("water halls"). Frigg's messenger is Gna, who rides through the sky on the horse Hofvarpnir. In some myths she was rumored to have had love affairs with Odin's brothers Ve and Vili.
God of Sky, Domestic, Life
Symbol: Spinning Wheel
Domains: Air, Animal, Law, Plant, Sun
Alignment: any lawful
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: They are expected to watch over their home and set an example for other wives by not letting their husbands stray to far out of martial fold. If their husband cheats they will leave him. They also must serve as midwives.
Rights: Priest of Frigga have the right to void a marriage if it is not right.
Restrictions: Priests of Frigga must be married women.
Thor is the god
of thunder. He is a son of Odin and Jord, and one of the most powerful gods. He
is married to Sif, a fertility goddess. His mistress is the giantess Jarnsaxa
("iron cutlass"), and their sons are Magni and Modi and his daughter is Thrud.
Thor is helped by Thialfi, his servant and the messenger of the gods.
Thor was usually portrayed as a large, powerful man with a red beard and eyes of lighting. Despite his ferocious appearance, he was very popular as the protector of both gods and humans against the forces of evil. He even surpassed his father Odin in popularity because, contrary to Odin, he did not require human sacrifices. In his temple at Uppsala he was shown standing with Odin at his right side.
The Norse believed that during a thunderstorm, Thor rode through the heavens on his chariot pulled by the goats Tanngrisni ("gap-tooth") and Tanngnost ("tooth grinder"). Lightning flashed whenever he threw his hammer Mjollnir. Thor wears the belt Megingjard which doubles his already considerable strength. His hall is Bilskirnir, which is located in the region Thrudheim ("place of might"). His greatest enemy is Jormungand, the Midgard Serpent. At the day of Ragnarok, Thor will kill this serpent but will die from its poison. His sons will inherit his hammer after his death.
God of Thunder, Weather, Sky, Crops
Symbol: Hammer
Domains: Air, Good, Protection, Strength, Sun, War(hammer)
Alignment: any-non evil
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: Priest of Thor must be friendly, brave and honest. They may never back down from a challenge unless it will lead to a certain death. Priest of Thor read omend which are usually associated with the weather, especially thunder, lightning and storms.
Rights: Priest of Thor have the right to tithe money in order to build a miltia to defend the stronghold if one does not already exist, or if the one that does exist is not qualified.
The golden-haired wife of the god Thor. There is not much known about her, except that she could originally have been a fertility goddess. Neither does she appear often in the myths.
The best know myth, however, is when Loki the Trickster sneaked into Sif's bedroom and lopped off her hair. Furious, Thor threatened to smash him unless Loki managed to replace the hair. He went to a great cave, the home of the sons of Ivaldi, and told them the reason of his journey. He then asked the dwarfs to spin gold as fine as Sif's hair and imbue it with magic that it will grow on her head. The dwarfs agreed and made a long wave of fine golden strands, which Loki gave to Sif.
Priest of Sif must be dedicated to excellence in everything.
God of Excellence, Craft
Symbol: Upraised Sword
Domains: Earth, Good, Protection, War(sword)
Alignment: any good
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: Priest of Sif must dedicate to excellence in all things. If they are married they must always behave within their vows.
Aegir is the god
of the sea. He was both worshipped and feared by sailors, for they believed
that Aegir would occasionally appear on the surface to take ships, men and
cargo alike, with him to his hall at the bottom of the ocean. Sacrifices were
made to appease him, particularly prisoners before setting sail.
His wife is the sea goddess Ran with whom he has nine daughters (the billow maidens), who wore white robes and veils. His two faithful servants are Eldir and Fimafeng. The latter was killed by the treacherous god Loki during a banquet the gods held at Aegir's undersea hall near the island of Hler (or Hlesey). Aegir was known for the lavish entertainment he gave to the other gods.
God of the Sea
Symbol: Rough Ocean Waves
Domains: Luck, Protection, Travel, Water
Alignment: any
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement: Profession(sailor)
Duties: They must perform rites and carve runes onto new ships, so that they are protected.
Restrictions: They must be a captain of a ship.
The god of light, joy, purity,
beauty, innocence, and reconciliation. Son of Odin and Frigg, he was loved by
both gods and men and was considered to be the best of the gods. He had a good
character, was friendly, wise and eloquent, although he had little power. His
wife was Nanna daughter of Nep, and their son was Forseti, the god of justice.
Baldur's hall was Breidablik ("broad splendor").
Most of the stories about Baldur concern his death. He had been dreaming about his death, so Frigg extracted an oath from every creature, object and force in nature (snakes, metals, diseases, poisons, fire, etc.) that they would never harm Baldur. All agreed that none of their kind would ever hurt or assist in hurting Baldur. Thinking him invincible, the gods enjoyed themselves thereafter by using Baldur as a target for knife-throwing and archery.
The malicious trickster, Loki, was jealous of Baldur. He changed his appearance and asked Frigg if there was absolutely nothing that could harm the god of light. Frigg, suspecting nothing, answered that there was just one thing: a small tree in the west that was called mistletoe. She had thought it was too small to ask for an oath. Loki immediately left for the west and returned with the mistletoe. He tricked Baldur's blind twin brother Hod into throwing a mistletoe fig (dart) at Baldur. Not knowing what he did, Hod threw the fig, guided by Loki's aim. Pierced through the heart, Baldur fell dead.
While the gods were lamenting Baldur's death, Odin sent his other son Hermod to Hel, the goddess of death, to plead for Baldur's return. Hel agreed to send Baldur back to the land of the living on one condition: everything in the world, dead or alive, must weep for him. And everything wept, except for Loki, who had disguised himself as the witch Thokk. And so Baldur had to remain in the underworld.
The others took the dead god, dressed him in crimson cloth, and placed him on a funeral pyre aboard his ship Ringhorn, which passed for the largest in the world. Beside him they lay the body of his wife Nanna, who had died of a broken heart. Baldur's horse and his treasures were also placed on the ship. The pyre was set on fire and the ship was sent to sea by the giantess Hyrrokin.
Loki did not escape punishment for his crime and Hod was put to death by Vali, son of Odin and Rind. Vali had been born for just that purpose. After the final conflict (Ragnarok), when a new world arises from its ashes, both Baldur and Hod will be reborn
God of Beauty and Charisma
Symbol: Gem-Encrusted Chalice
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Protection, Trickery
Alignment: any-non evil
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: The priest of Baldur are expected to handsome or beautiful and threat even the less fortunate with kindness. Priest read omens which are usually delivered by a handsome member of the opposite sex.
The god of eloquence and poetry, and the patron of skalds (poets). He is regarded as a son of Odin and Frigg. Runes were carved on his tongue and he inspired poetry in humans by letting them drink from the mead of poetry. Bragi is married to Idun, the goddess of eternal youth. Oaths were sworn over the Bragarfull ("Cup of Bragi"), and drinks were taken from it in honor of a dead king. Before a king ascended the throne, he drank from such a cup
God of Poetry, Music
Symbol: Harp
Domains: Healing, Knowledge, Protection
Alignment: any-non evil
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement: Perform (instrument)
Duties: It is his duty to pass down stories of the gods to people by the way of heroic ballads. Many priests are also bards.
Eir ("mercy") is a minor goddess of healing. She knew the secret powers of herbs, with which she could even resurrect the dead. She taught the art of healing only to women, who, in ancient Scandinavia, were the only physicians. She is the patroness of health-care workers, called on against sickness or injury. She is one of the goddesses on the mountain called Lyfia ("to heal through magic"), and gives both physical and psychic means of healing; shamanic healing, especially, falls into her realm
Eir is a companion of the goddess Frigg.
Goddess of Healing
Domains: Good, Healing, Protection
Alignment: Any Good
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement: Heal
Duties: Priest of Eir are physicians to the people of the stronghold.
Restrictions: Only women can be priest of Eir.
Forseti is the god of justice. He is the son of the god Baldur and his mother is Nanna. Forseti rules in the beautiful palace Glitnir, which serves as a court of justice and where all legal disputes are settled. Glitnir has a roof of silver that is supported by pillars of red gold.
God of Justice
Symbol: Scales
Domains: Good, Knowledge, Law, Protection
Alignment: Lawful Good
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement: Sense Motive
Duties: His priest usually serve as advisor to the head of the stronghold. Some are even the leaders of the stronghold themselves.
Rights: They have the right to judge all the people in the stronghold.
Frey is the god of
sun and rain, and the patron of bountiful harvests. He is both a god of peace
and a brave warrior. He is also the ruler of the elves. Frey is the most
prominent and most beautiful of the male members of the Vanir, and is called
'God of the World'. After the merging of the Aesir and the Vanir, Frey was
called 'Lord of the Aesir'. Frey was also called upon to grant a fertile
He is married to the beautiful giantess Gerd, and is the son of Njord. His sister is Freya. He rides a chariot pulled by the golden boar Gullinbursti which was made for him by the dwarves Brokk and Eitri. He owns the ship Skidbladnir ("wooden-bladed"), which always sails directly towards its target, and which can become so small that it can fit in Frey's pocket. He also possesses a sword that would by itself emerge from its sheath and spread a field with carnage whenever the owner desired it.
Frey's shield bearer and servant is Skirnir, to whom he gave his sword, which Skirnir demanded as a reward for making Gerd his wife. On the day of Ragnarok he will battle without weapons (for he gave his sword away to Skirnir), and will be the first to be killed by the fire giant Surt. The center of his cult was the city Uppsala in Sweden. In southern Sweden he was called Fricco.
God of Sunshine, Rain, Fertility, Horses
Symbol: Ship-Shaped Cloud
Domains: Air, Animal, Good, Protection, Sun,
Alignment: any good
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: The priest of Frey perform the marriage rites in the stronghold. They are also the peace keepers.Priest read omens which come in the form of rain and storms, but can also be delievered by horses.
Freya is a
goddess of love and fertility, and the most beautiful and propitious of the
goddesses. She is the patron goddess of crops and birth, the symbol of
sensuality and was called upon in matters of love. She loves music, spring and
flowers, and is particularly fond of the elves (fairies). Freya is one of the
foremost goddesses of the Vanir.
She is the daughter of the god Njord, and the sister of Frey. Later she married the mysterious god Od (probably another form of Odin), who disappeared. When she mourned for her lost husband, her tears changed into gold.
Her attributes are the precious necklace of the Brisings, which she obtained by sleeping with four dwarfs, a cloak (or skin) of bird feathers, which allows its wearer to change into a falcon, and a chariot pulled by two cats. She owns Hildesvini ("battle boar") which is actually her human lover Ottar in disguise. Her chambermaid is Fulla. Freya lives in the beautiful palace Folkvang ("field of folk"), a place where love songs are always played, and her hall is Sessrumnir. She divides the slain warriors with Odin: one half goes to her palace, while the other half goes to Valhalla. Women also go to her hall.
God of Love, Passion, Human Fertility
Symbol: Fire in Shape of a Women
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Healing, Magic, Protection, Trickery
Alignment: any-chaotic/p>
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Restrictions: The priestesses of Freya are usually not invited into the strongholds. They are women who tell fortunes and use deceit to commit crimes.
Heimdall is the
god of light, the son of nine mothers (variously given as the daughters of
Geirrendour the Giant or of Aegir). He was born at the end of the world and
raised by the force of the earth, seawater and the blood of a boar. Because of
his shining, golden teeth he is also called Gullintani ("gold tooth"). His hall
is Himinbjorg, The Cliffs of Heaven, and his horse is Gulltop. Heimdall carries
the horn Gjall.
He is the watchman of the gods and guards Bifrost, the only entrance to Asgard, the realm of the gods. It is Heimdall's duty to prevent the giants from forcing their way into Asgard. He requires less sleep than a bird and can see a hundred miles around him, by night as well as by day. His hearing is so accurate that no sound escapes him: he can even hear the grass grow or the wool on a sheep's back. At the final conflict of Ragnarok he will kill his age-old enemy, the evil god Loki, but will die himself from his wounds.
As the god Rig ("ruler"), Heimdall created the three races of mankind: the serfs, the peasants, and the warriors. It is interesting to note why Heimdall fathered them, and not Odin as might be expected. Furthermore, Heimdall is in many attributes identical with Tyr.
Domains: Law, Protection, Strength, Sun, War(axes)
Alignment: any lawful
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: Priest of Heimdall serve as guards for Kings and Chieftains. They are expected to be unswerving in their duty, and must never allow someone to pass a post under their guard without the master's permission. Heimdall's priest hold bridges sacred and must avenge any act that destroys one.
Restrictions: Priest of Heimdall can never become the ruler of a stronghold.
Hel is the ruler of Helheim,
the realm of the dead. She is the youngest child of the evil god Loki and the
giantess Angrboda. She is usually described as a horrible hag, half alive and
half dead, with a gloomy and grim expression. Her face and body are those of a
living woman, but her thighs and legs are those of a corpse, mottled and
The gods had abducted Hel and her brothers from Angrboda's hall. They cast her in the underworld, into which she distributes those who are send to her; the wicked and those who died of sickness or old age. Her hall in Helheim is called Eljudnir, home of the dead. Her manservant is Ganglati and her maidservant is Ganglot (which both can be translated as "tardy").
Domains: Death, Destruction, Evil, Healing
Alignment: any
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: Priest supervise the burial or cremation of the dead.
Restrictions: Priests must be women.
The son of Odin and Frigg and the messenger of the gods. After the death of Balder, Frigg sought for one brave enough to face Hel, the ruler of the underworld and plead for his Balder's return. The great hero Hermod the Nimble volunteered to make this dangerous journey. He mounted Odin's steed Sleipnir and traveled to the underworld.
When Hermod came upon the gates of Hell, he jumped right over them and entered the great hall of the dead. There he saw Balder and he begged Hel to release him because Balder was loved by all so no-one could miss him. Hel was skeptical and agreed to release Balder on the condition that everything, dead or alive, should weep for Balder. If only one thing should not cry, then she would keep Balder in the realm of the dead. Hermod returned to the land of the living and told the gods what Hel's terms were. But not everyone wept and therefore Balder had to remain in the underworld until the end of the world.
God of Messengers
Symbol: Sted
Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Travel
Alignment: any good
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
The blind god of darkness and winter, the son of Odin and Frigg. When the gods enjoyed themselves by using his brother Balder as a target, Hod unintentionally killed him by throwing a fig made of mistletoe, the only object that could harm Balder. Hod was put to death for this deed by Vali, Odin's youngest son who was born for revenge. However, after the destruction of the cosmos when a new world is build, Hod will be reborn.
God of Darkness and Winter
Symbol: Black Snowflake
Domains: Death, Sun
Alignment: any non-evil
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
The goddess of
eternal youth, married to Bragi, the god of poetry. Idun is the custodian of
the golden apples of youth. When the gods feel old age approaching, they only
have to eat of the apples to become young again. As a goddess of fertility,
youth and death, it is possible that she was originally one of the Vanir.
Idun was once abducted by the storm giant Thiazi and in this interval the gods began to age rapidly. She was eventually rescued by Loki who changed her into a nut and brought her back to her hall. The gods were restored to youth soon after.
Domains: Air, Animal, Good, Healing, Plant
Alignment: any good
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: Priest of Idun duties are caring for orphans and blessing the spring planting.
Restrictions: Idun's priest must be girls who deticate their lives to her at a very young age.
He is a son of the
giant Farbauti ("cruel striker") and the giantess Laufey. He is regarded as one
of Aesir, but is on occasion their enemy. He is connected with fire and magic,
and can assume many different shapes (horse, falcon, fly). He is crafty and
malicious, but is also heroic: in that aspect he can be compared with the
trickster from North American myths. The ambivalent god grows progressively
more unpleasent, and is directly responsible for the death of Baldur, the god
of light.
Loki's mistress is the giantess Angrboda, and with her he is the father of three monsters. His wife is Sigyn, who stayed loyal to him, even when the gods punished him for the death of Baldur. He was chained to three large boulders; one under his shoulders, one under his loins and one under his knees. A poisonous snake was placed above his head. The dripping venom that lands on him is caught by Sigyn in a bowl. But every now and then, when the bowl is filled to the brim, she has to leave him to empty it. Then the poison that falls on Loki's face makes him twist in pain, causing earthquakes.
On the day of Ragnarok, Loki's chains will break and he will lead the giants into battle against the gods. Loki is often called the Sly One, the Trickster, the Shape Changer, and the Sky Traveler.
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, Evil, Luck, Plant, Trickery
Alignment: any non-lawful
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: In order to get followers Loki does not ask anything for his priest to do.
Magni was considered the god of might, or strength, and was believed to be the only being in the Norse universe stronger than his father. His worshippers praised great strength and feats thereof. Magni was supposedly the only one besides Thor able to lift Mjollnir.
God of Strength and Might
Symbol: Flexing Arm
Domains: Protection, Strength, War(Hammer)
Alignment: any non-evil
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: Magni's priest are defenders of the stronghold.
Modi was the god of battle wrath. His worshippers were the archetypal berserks, some relying on drugs of various kinds to enhance their wrath and stifle fear.
God of Battle Wraith
Symbol: Battle Axe
Domains: Chaos, Destruction, War(axe)
Alignment: any non-lawful
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: Priest of Modi must also spend at least one level as the barbarian class and get the rage ability. They are also incharge of expanding the Kingdom.
Ran is the goddess of storms, and the wife of the sea god Aegir. She rules over the realm of the dead which is situated on the bottom of the ocean. She sinks ships and collects drowned sailors in her nets and takes them to her hall where she tenderly ministers them (drowned persons neither go to Valhalla nor to Helheim). With Aegir she is the mother of nine daughters (the billows), who wore white robes and veils.
Goddess of Sea Storms
Symbol: Storm cloud over a boat
Domains: Chaos, Death, Destruction, Travel, Water
Alignment: Any non-lawful
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement: Swim
He is the boldest of the gods,
who inspires courage and heroism in battle. Tyr is represented as a man with
one hand, because his right hand was bitten off by the gigantic wolf Fenrir (in
old-Norse, the wrist was called 'wolf-joint'). His attribute is a spear; the
symbol of justice, as well as a weapon.
At the day of Ragnarok, Tyr will kill the hound Garm, the guardian of the hell, but will die from the wounds inflicted by the animal.
Domains: Good, Healing, Law, Protection, Strength, War(sword)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: Tyr's priest usually serve as the stronghold's police force.
Rights: Tyr's priest have the right to investigate crimes and to search houses.
The Valkyries
("chosers of the slain") are beautiful young women, mounted upon winged horses
and armed with helmets and spears. Odin needs many brave warriors for the
oncoming battle of Ragnarok, and the Valkyries scout the battlefields to choose
the bravest of those who have been slain. They escort these heroes, called the
Einherjar to Valhalla, Odin's hall.
The Valkyries are also Odin's messengers and when they ride forth on their errands, their armor causes the strange flickering light that is called "Aurora Borealis" (Northern Lights).
Domains: Death, Healing, Protection, Strength, War(spear)
Alignment: any-non good
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Duties: They have a duty to defend the stronghold.
Restrictions: Priest of Valkyries must be attractive, blond-haired women.
Vidar is the son of Odin and the giantess Grid. He is the god of silence and revenge, the second strongest of the gods. At the destruction of the world, Odin will be killed by the wolf Fenrir, and Vidar will avenge his father by killing the wolf with his bare hands. He will press one foot on Fenrir's bottom jaw, and will take hold of his other jaw and tear the wolf apart. He is one of the gods that will rule the new world when it is created. His hall in Asgard is Vidi.
God of Silence and Vengence
Symbol: Skull of a Wolf
Domains: Destruction, Good, Law, Protection, Strength, War(Axe)
Alignment: any good
Nonweapon Proficiency Requirement:
Jugurtha is as
technological advanced as any kingdom in the world. Their equipment is actually
considered to be the best quality equipment in the world. People we pay much
more for a piece of equipment if it was produced by a dwarf.
Dwarves produce some of the most durable goods in the world. They are know world wide for their crafting skills. They produce armor which is tougher then any other armor. Here is a list of some dwarven goods.
Dwarven armor is made from a metal which is mined in the mountains of Jugurtha. The metal is called Dwarven steel.
Armor | cost | Armor Bonus | Max Dex | Armor Penalty | Arcane Faliure |
Light | |||||
Chain Shirt | 500 gp | +5 | +4 | -2 | 25% |
Medium | |||||
Scale Mail | 1,000 gp | +6 | +3 | -4 | 30% |
Chain Mail | 1,500 | +7 | +2 | -5 | 35% |
Breastplate | 2,000 gp | +7 | +3 | -4 | 30% |
Heavy | |||||
Banded mail | 5,000 gp | +9 | +1 | -6 | 40% |
Half Plate | 10,000 gp | +10 | +0 | -7 | 45% |
Full Plate | 15,000 gp | +11 | +1 | -6 | 40% |
Shields | |||||
Small | 50 gp | +2 | -- | -1 | 10% |
Large | 100 gp | +3 | -- | -2 | 20% |
Strange writings on a stone or the hilt of an axe. This is the work of a runecaster. Runecasters are warriors who have the ability to crate magic weapons in order to aid them in battle.
Abventures: Runecasters plan their adventures very carfully because they know that the runes in which they bring with them will be the only runes they will be able to use. They are however very cunning warriors who when their magic runes out are still able to use their skills as a warrior to win the day.
Characteristics: The runecaster is a skilled warrior and capable in combat. His magic itme creation aids him in his combat. A runcaster blends his pursuit of magic with his combat skills and becomes a very formiable opponent.
Alignment: Runecasters may be any alignment. Good ones are usually campions who protect the weak from evil. Lawful usually work for the king and protect their homeland. While chaotic runecaster wander the world in search for runes and glory. While evil ones are usually villians who prey on the weak.
Religion: Runecasters are usually of Norse mythology and usually worship the god Odin, for he is the one who discovered Runes.
Background: Runecasters are trained warriors who use their mind as well as their body. They have trained for years in the use of magic runes. But since rune magic is an easier typeof magic to learn instead of arcane magic and divine magic the runecaster has time to learn how to fight like a warrior.
Races: Dwarves are the most common race of runecasters. The dwarves actually write in a language of non-magical runes. Dwarves are drawn to runecasting also because it is a type of magic in which the character gets to create items from mainly stone and metal.
Giants are also common to be runecasters. Dwarves and giants have a history together. It is also believed that Odin learned the art of runes from a well that was guarded by the Giant, Mimir.
Orcs have been writing in the same rune as the dwarves for years, however they were not taught the art of rune magic until just recently. Orcs usually live to short to want to waste their lives look for new runes.
All the other races are rarely runecaster because it would have to be taught to them by a Dwarf or Giant, who are not usually going to tell others about the art.
Other Classes: Runecasters work well with other types of classes. They can fight along side of fighters, paladins and rangers. As well as explore in to caves to find new magic with Wizards. Runecasters also get along with clerics because they also have a conection with the god, Odin.
Runecasters have the following game statistics.
Abilities: Strength and Constitution are very important to runecasters because they are warriors. Wisdom is also very important because wisdom makes their runes more powerful. A runecaster needs a wisdom of 15 to get the most powerful runes.
Alignment: Any
Hit Die: 1d10
The runecaster class skills(and key ability for each skill) are Climb(Str), Craft(Int), Jump(Str), Knowledge(runes)(Int), Profession(Int), Ride(Dex), Scry (Int), Swim (Str),
Skill Points at 1 st Level: (2+Int Modifier)x4.
Skill Points at Each Additional Level: 2+Int Modifier
All the following are class features of the runecatser.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Rinecasters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and wih shields. Note that armor check penalties for armor heavier then leather apply to the skills Balance, Climb, Escape Artist, Hide, Jump, Move Silently, Pick Pockets, and Tumble. Also swim checks suffer -1 penalty for every 5 pounds of armor and equipment carried.
Runecasting: To cast a spell, the runecaster must have a Wisdom Score of at least 10 + Rune Level, so a runecaster with a Wisdom below 10 cannot cast any runes. A runecaster can use as many spells as he wants a day but can only put them into magic items. The Difficulty Class for saving throws against runes is 10 + the rune's level + runecaster's Wisdom Modifier. A runecaster starts out with the knowledge of all the 0th level runes and two 1st runes +wis mod x 1st level runes. Runecasters learn one rune in any level each time they go up a level.
Level | Attack Bonus | Fort | Ref | Will | Bonus Feats | Max Rune Level |
1 | +1 | +2 | +0 | +0 | Scribe Scroll | 1st level |
2 | +2 | +3 | +0 | +0 | ||
3 | +3 | +3 | +1 | +1 | Create Wondrous Item | 2nd level |
4 | +4 | +4 | +1 | +1 | ||
5 | +5 | +4 | +1 | +1 | 3rd level | |
6 | +6/+1 | +5 | +2 | +2 | Craft Magic Arms and Armor | |
7 | +7/+2 | +5 | +2 | +2 | 4th level | |
8 | +8/+3 | +6 | +2 | +2 | ||
9 | +9/+4 | +6 | +3 | +3 | Craft Rod | 5th level |
10 | +10/+5 | +7 | +3 | +3 | ||
11 | +11/+6/+1 | +7 | +3 | +3 | ||
12 | +12/+7/+2 | +8 | +4 | +4 | Forge Ring | |
13 | +13/+8/+3 | +8 | +4 | +4 | ||
14 | +14/+9/+4 | +9 | +4 | +4 | ||
15 | +15/+10/+5 | +9 | +5 | +5 | ||
16 | +16/+11/+6/+1 | +10 | +5 | +5 | ||
17 | +17/+12/+7/+2 | +10 | +5 | +5 | ||
18 | +18/+13/+8/+3 | +11 | +6 | +6 | ||
19 | +19/+14/+9/+4 | +11 | +6 | +6 | ||
20 | +20/+15/+10/+5 | +12 | +6 | +6 |
Create Water, Detect Poison, Purify Food and Drink, Read magic
Alarm, Bane, Bless, Bless Weapon, Change Self, Comprehend Language, Cure Light Wounds, Divine Power, Endure Elements, Identify, Jump, Mage Armor, Magic Stone, Magic Weapon, Protection from Chaos, Protection from Evil, Protection from Good, Protection from Law, Resistance, Shield, True Sight
Aid, Alter Self, Arcane Lock, Barkskin, Berserk, Blindness/Deafness, Blur, Bull's Strength, Cat's Grace, Chill Metal, Charm Person or Animal, Consecrate, Continual Flame, Delay Poison, Desecrate, Endure, Flame Blade, Heat Metal, Invisibility, Leomund's Trap, Protection from Arrows, Resist Elements, See Invisibility, Spiritual Weapon, Tongues
Animate Dead, Call Lightning, Clairaudience/Clairvoyance, Confusion, Contagion, Create Food and Drink, Dominate Animal, Explosive Rune, Flame Arrow, Glyph of Warding, Greater Magic Weapon, Haste, Keen Edge, magic Circle of Chaos/Evil/Good/law, Magic Vestment, Negative Energy, Protection from Poison, Protection from Elements, Remove Blindness/Deafness, Remove Disease, Sepin Snake Sigil, Speak with Dead
Chaos Hammer, Death Ward, Divination, Fire Shield, Holy Sword, Improved Invisibility, Legend Lore, Neutralize Poison, Quench, Scrying, Spell Immunity, Stoneskin, Unholy Blight
Circle of Doom, Greater Glyph of Warding, Guards and Wards, Hallow, Leomund's Secret Chess, Mass Berserk, Permanency, Righteous Might, Slay Living, Spell Resistance, Telekinesis, Unhallow
Level: Rcr 2
Components: V,S/ DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Touch
Target: One Person
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: No or Will negates
Spell Resitance: No or Yes
This spell makes a person fly into a screaming blood frenzy, a charcter gains phenomenal strength and durability but becomes reckless and less able to defend himself. He temporarily gains +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but suffers -2 penalty to AC.
The increase in Consitution gives the character 1 temporary hit point per level or Hit Die. While Berserking, a character cannot use skills or abilities that require patience and concentration, such as moving silent or casting spells. He can use any feat he might have except for Expertise, item creation feats, metamagic feats, and skill focus. At the end of the berserk the character is fatigued (-2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, and can't charge or run) for as long as he was berserk.
Mass Berserk
Level: Rcr 5
Components: V,S/ DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Long (400ft +40ft per level)
Target: Any creatures in a 90ft radius
Duration: 1 min/level
Saving Throw: No or Will negates
Spell Resitance: No or Yes
This spell makes many people fly into a screaming blood frenzy, the charcters gain phenomenal strength and durability but become reckless and less able to defend themselves. They temporarily gain +2 Strength, +2 Constitution, and +2 morale bonus on Will saves, but suffer -2 penalty to AC.
The increase in Consitution give the characters 1 temporary hit points per level or Hit Die. While Berserking, the characters cannot use skills or abilities that require patience and concentration, such as moving silent or casting spells. They can use any feats they might have except for Expertise, item creation feats, metamagic feats, and skill focus. At the end of the berserk the characters are fatigued (-2 Strength, -2 Dexterity, and can't charge or run) for as long as they were berserk.