Insanities - the last stuggles to retain humanity usually leave a man Mad. roll once at humanity 20, 10, 0 1-2 Obsession d6 1-2 Love/Desire 3-4 Hate/Destroy 5-6 Phobia/Fear choose or roll 1 Aliens/Monsters(usually imaginary ones) 2 Insects(flies, bees, Spiders, scorpians, Spider demons) 3 Reptiles(snakes, lizards, man-eating Crodiles) 4 Water(Swimming, Boating, Old Bridges) 5 Flying 6 Canines(Dogs, Coyotes, Wolves) 7 Dark places 8 Underground rooms 9 Small enclosures 10 Abandon buildings 11 Hieghts 12 Disease 13 Authoritative People 14 Large Animals(Elephants, Horses, Cows) 15 Strangers 16 Open spaces 17 Loud noises 18 Crimebusting 19 Sticky/Slimy things(slugs, fish, melted Chocolate) 20 Small furry things 21 Burial Grounds/Cemetaries 22 Dead Corpses 23 Solitude 24 Alcohol 25 Drug 26 Food 27 Danger 28 Fashion 29 Secrecy 30 Opposite Sex 31 Wealth 32 Technology 33 Timeliness 34 Stealing 35 Appearance 36 Specific person 37 Specific item 38 Sleep 39 Violence 40 Lying 41 Gambling 42 Cats 43 Storms 44 Bullets 45 Pins Needles 46 Plants 47 Crowds 48 Blood 49 Doctors 50 Fire 3 Multiple personalities (1d6 more personalities) Name: choose Emp: 1d10( If emp<2 roll new personality's insanities) Cool: 1d10 Int: 15 - new emp 4 Manic/Depressive 5 Delusions Of Granduer 01-25 Immortality 26-50 Fantasy 51-75 Infalibility 76-00 Megalomania 6 You want to save everyone from humanity loss: d6 1-3 Become a psychiatrist to prevent humanity loss 4-6 Kill everyone(you must cleanse the earth with fire) 7 Paranoia(They are out to get you, and everyone is a secret member) Who are They: 1 The Government 2 Aliens 3 Supernatural Demons 4 The Illuminatti 8 Amnesia 9 Catatonic 10 Blind Hatred Of Humanity