
Removed Skills

Skill Table

Skill UnT Ability ACP Tool Move
Appraise Yes Int
Astrogate/Navigate No Int Y
Balance/Walk/Run Yes Dex 1 Y
Bend Bars Yes Str
Bluff/Credibility Yes Cha
Burrow Yes Str 1 Y
Climb Yes Str 1 B Y
[Concentration] Yes Wis*
Craft Yes Int Y
Craft: Alchemy Yes Int/Wis Y
Decipher Script Yes Int
Diplomacy Yes Cha
Disable Device No Int
Disguise/Impersonation Yes Cha Y
Escape Artist Yes Dex 1 Y
Forgery Yes Int Y
Fly Yes Dex 2 Y
Gather Information Yes Cha
Handle Animal No Cha
Heal/Treat Injury Yes Wis Y
Hide Yes Dex 1 *
Intimidate Yes Cha
Jump Yes Str 1 Y
Knowledge No Int
--Astronomy No Int
--Dungeoneering No Int
--Engineering No Int
--Geography No Int
--History No Int
--Law No Int
--Local No Int
--Maths/Cryptography No Int
--Microbiology No Int
--Nature No Int
--Nobility No Int
--Politics/Bureaucracy No Int
--PSI No Int
--Religion No Int
--Streetwise No Int
--Tactics No Int
--Outer planes No Int
--Inner planes No Int
--Lore: group/region No Int
--Forensics/Analysis No Int Y
Lift Yes Str Spec
Listen Yes Wis
Move Silently Yes Dex 1 *
Open Lock/Hack/Crack No Dex Y
Perform Yes Cha *
Profession No Wis *
Repair/Maintenance Yes Int Y
Ride/Pilot Yes Dex Y Y
Pilot No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Cars/Trucks No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Dirigible No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Fixed Wing No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Helicopter No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Hvy Machinery No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Motorcycle No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Powerboats No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Robot No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Sailing No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Starfighter No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Starship No Dex Y Y
--Pilot: Vector Thrust No Dex Y Y
Search/Research Yes Int
Sense Motive Yes Wis
Sleight of Hand Yes Dex 1
Speak/Know Language No NA
Spellcraft No Int
Spot Yes Wis
Survival Yes Wis
Swim Yes Str 2 Y
Tumble/Acrobatics Yes Dex 1 Y
Use Magic Device No Cha
Use Rope Yes Dex Y


Crafts UnT Abil ACP
--Alchemy/Chemist Yes Int
--Armorsmithing Yes Int
--Blacksmithing Yes Int
--Bookbinding/Papercraft Yes Int
--Bowyer/Fletcher Yes Int
--Carpentry/Woodworking Yes Int
--Cobbling/Shoemaking Yes Int
--Clothing/Sewing Yes Int
--Food/Cooking Yes Int
--Graphics/Painting Yes Int
--Glass/glassblowing Yes Int
--Hatmaking Yes Int
--Herbalist/Apothecary Yes Int
--Jewerly/Gemcutting Yes Int
--Locksmithing Yes Int
--Masonry/Stoneworking Yes Int
--Metalworking, Fine Yes Int
--Pottery Yes Int
--Shipwright Yes Int
--Tanning/Leatherworking Yes Int
--Textiles/Weaving Yes Int
--Trapmaking Yes Int
--Weaponsmithing Yes Int
Modern Crafts
--Automobile Yes Int
--Communication Systems Yes Int
--Computer Program Yes Int
--Cybernetics Yes Int
--Digital Electronics Yes Int
--Dirigible Yes Int
--Energy Weapons Yes Int
--Firearms Yes Int
--Fixed Wing Yes Int
--Helicopter Yes Int
--Organisms Yes Int
--Pharmaceuticals Yes Int
--Plastic/Composites Yes Int
--Powerboats Yes Int
--Powered Armor Yes Int
--Reactive Chemicals Yes Int
--Robotics Yes Int
--Rockets/Star ships Yes Int
--Submersibles Yes Int
--Vectored Thrust Yes Int

Old d20 Craft List

Alchemy, Armorsmithing, Basketweaving, Boatbuilding, Bowmaking, Bookbinding, Brassmaking, Brewing, Calligraphy, Candlemaking, Carpentry, Cobbling, Coppersmithing, Coralshaping, Dyemaking, Flower Arranging, Gemcutting, Goldsmithing, Hatmaking, Hornworking, Jewelmaking, Landscape Gardening, Leatherworking, Locksmithing, Mapmaking, Masonry, Metalworking, Origami, Other Fine Arts, Painting, Parchmentmaking, Pewtermaking, Poisonmaking, Pottery, Potterymaking, Painting, Ropemaking, Sailmaking, Sculpting, Sculpture, Shipmaking, Silversmithing, Shoemaking, Skinning, Soapmaking, Stonecarving, Stonemasonry, Stoneworking, Tanning, Trapmaking, Weaponsmithing, Weaving, Wheelmaking, Winemaking, Woodcarving, Woodworking


Profession UnT Abil ACP
--Finance/Investment No Wis
--Assistant No Wis
--Astrologer No Wis
--Bookkeeper No Wis
--Cartographer No Wis
--Courtier No Wis
--Engineer No Wis
--Farmer No Wis
--Fisher No Wis
--Florist No Wis
--Gambler No Wis
--Gardener No Wis
--Guide No Wis
--Herder No Wis
--Housekeeper No Wis
--Hunter No Wis
--Innkeeper No Wis
--Landscaper No Wis
--Lawyer No Wis
--Lumberjack No Wis
--Mason No Wis
--Merchant No Wis
--Miller No Wis
--Miner No Wis
--Porter No Wis
--Rancher No Wis
--Sailor No Wis
--Scribe No Wis
--Shopkeeper No Wis
--Siege Engineer No Wis
--Soldier No Wis
--Stablehand No Wis
--Tanner No Wis
--Teacher No Wis
--Teamster No Wis
--Woodcutter No Wis

Old d20 Profession List

Apothecary, Astrologer, Blacksmith, Boater, Bookkeeper, Brewer, Butcher, Cartographer, Cook, Courtier, Embalmer, Engineer, Executioner, Farmer, Fisher, Gambler, Gardener, Guide, Herder, Herbalist, Hunter, Innkeeper, Lawyer, Lumberjack, Mason, Merchant, Miller, Miner, Pilot (various), Porter, Ranger, Sailor, Scribe, Shopkeeper, Siege Engineer, Silk Maker, Slaver, Soldier, Stablehand, Tanner, Teacher, Teamster, Woodcutter


Each rank in Know Language gets you 1 language known. Languages available is campaign specific. There should ab a common language for the campaign. specific languages for races and localities. Religions may have there own language. And finally Computer Literacy may be 1 or more languages/dialects (i.e. Binary in StarWars).


Lore skills must select a specific Region, Race, Religion, Peoples, Country, etc. This then gives you knowledge of that groups or areas history, culture, laws, geography, key figures, etc similar to Knowledge: Local.


Performance Types Sub-Types
Act comedic, drama, pantomime
Comedy buffoonery, limericks, joke-telling
Dance ballet, waltz, jig
Oratory epic, ode, storytelling
Tricks stage magic, juggling, ventriloquism
Keyboard instruments harpsichord, piano, pipe organ
Percussion instruments bells, chimes, drums, gong
String instruments fiddle, harp, lute, guitar
Wind instruments flute, pan pipes, recorder, trumpet
Sing ballad, chant, melody

Magic Skill Changes

Decipher Script

Note Read Magic grants a +15 to Deciphering magical writings

DC Task
20 Decipher the simplest messages
25 Decipher standard texts
30 or higher Decipher intricate, exotic, or very old writing
20 + spell level Decipher a written spell (such as a scroll) without using read magic. One try per day. Requires a full-round action.
20 Use a scroll (You have previously deciphered)
15 + spell level Copy a written spell to your formulary. No retry for that spell until you gain at least 1 rank in this skill. Requires 8 hours.
25 + spell level Identify a spell symbol (glyph of warding DC 28). No action required.
10 + spell level When using read magic, identify a spell symbol (glyph of warding DC13). No action required.


DC Task
15 + spell level Identify a spell being cast. (You must see or hear the spell’s verbal or somatic components.) No action required. No retry.
15 + spell level When casting detect magic, determine the school of magic involved in the aura of a single item or creature you can see. No action required.
15 + 1/2 caster level If the aura is not a spell effect
20 + spell level Identify a spell that’s already in place and in effect. You must be able to detect the effects of the spell. No action required. No retry.
20 + spell level Identify materials created or shaped by magic, such as noting that an iron wall is the result of a spell. No action required. No retry.
25 + spell level After rolling a saving throw against a spell targeted on you, determine what that spell was. No action required. No retry.
20 Draw a diagram to allow Dimensional Anchor to be cast on a magic circle spell. Requires 10 minutes. No retry.
30 or higher Understand a strange or unique magical effect, such as the effects of a magic stream. Time required varies. No retry.

Use Magic Device

DC Task
25 Activate blindly
20 Use a wand
20 Emulate a class feature
See text Emulate an ability score
25 Emulate a race
30 Emulate an alignment

Craft: Alchemy

DC Task
25 Identify a potion. Requires 1 minute. No retry.

Concentration (Wis)

Based on Wisdom instead of Con.