
Class Feature Replacement Feats

Feat Base 1 Feat 2 Feats 3 Feats
Armor Light Medium Heavy
Weapons 1 Simple All Simple All Rogue or Laborer All Martial
Shields None All
Extra Attacks 1 Attack 2nd attack -5 to hit, at BAB +6 3nd attack -10 to hit, at BAB +11 4th attack -15 to hit, at BAB +16
Arcane Caster None 4 cantrips, School Specialization Even: +2 up to Caster Level N/2 Odd: +1 LVL 0 and +2 up to Caster Level N/2
Armor Caster Full Arcane spell failure No Spell failure in Light Armor No Spell failure in Medium Armor No Spell failure in Heavy Armor
Class Skills Treat all skills as Class skills

General Feats

Feat Prerequisites and Notes Benefit
Any class ability should be available as 1 or more feats Prerequisites may need to be spelled out.
Spell Knowledge Arcane Caster, select unlimited times +2 Spells known from level you can cast
Spell-like ability Level >= SL*2-1 1 Spell, CL=character level, no armor fail
Nimble Can get multiple times 1 per 3 levels +1 AC when lightly encumbered
Companion Record what level you get this feat Familiar, animal companion, mount or Cohort
Weapon Specialization All Simple Weapons, Weapon Focus, BAB +4, Fort +4 +2 Damage with Weapon
Weapon Generalist All Martial Weapon, Melee BAB +4 +1 Dam with all melee weapons does not stack w/ Spec
Weapon Generalist, Imp All Martial Weapon, Melee BAB +8 +1 Dam with all melee weapons does not stack w/ Spec
Weapon Generalist, Gtr All Martial Weapon, Melee BAB +12 +1 Dam with all melee weapons does not stack w/ Spec
Ranged Generalist Dex 13, Int or Wis 13, Ranged BAB +4 +1 Dam with all ranged weapons does not stack w/ Spec
Ranged Generalist, Imp Dex 13, Int or Wis 13, Ranged BAB +8 +1 Dam with all ranged weapons does not stack w/ Spec
Ranged Generalist, Gtr Dex 13, Int or Wis 13, Ranged BAB +12 +1 Dam with all ranged weapons does not stack w/ Spec
Sneak Attack Can get multiple times 1 per odd level +1d6
Trap Sense Reflex +2, Search +3 As Trapfinding and when defending against a trap +1 AC and Reflex per 3 ranks in Search
Uncanny Dodge +2 Melee BAB As Rogue Ability
Imp. Uncanny Dodge +5 Melee BAB As Rogue Ability
Evasion +3 Reflex Save As Rogue Ability
Imp. Evasion +7 Reflex Save As Rogue Special Ability
Slippery Mind +7 Reflex Save As Rogue Special Ability
Defensive Roll +7 Reflex Save As Rogue Special Ability
Crippling Strike Level 10, BAB +7, sneak attack +2d6 As Rogue Special Ability
Opportunist Level 10, BAB +7, sneak attack +2d6 As Rogue Special Ability
Skill Mastery 100 total skill ranks As Rogue Special Ability
Single Skill Mastery selected skill +10 Can always take 10 with selected skill
Enhanced Mobility +9 BAB, Mobility, Fencing As Deulist
Grace Ref +4, Fencing As Deulist
Precise strike BAB +11, Fencing +1d6 damage when other hand is empty
Acrobatic Charge Tumble +5, Mobility, Fencing As Deulist
Elaborate Parry BAB+13, Combat Expertise, Fencing Double AC bonus of Combat Expertise when also fighting defensively
Parry Arrows Fencing As deflect arrows, but can use fencing weapon
Imp. Initiative Can get multiple times 1 per 6 levels Normal
Rage +1 BAB, +2 Fort, (+2 Ref or Int < 10) As Barbarian 1/day or 10SP
Defensive Stance +8 BAB, Dodge, Endurance As Dwarven Defender Defensive Stance, 1/day or 10SP
Resolute Stance +1 BAB, +2 Fort, (+2 Will or Int < 10) As Dwarven Defender Defensive Stance, but +4 Str no Con Bonus 1/day or 10SP
Wild Empathy Handle Animal +1 As Druid Wild Empathy, but use Handle Animal skill
Favored Enemy Knowledge (by Type) +2, BAB +1 As Ranger Ability
Swift Tracker Track As Ranger Ability
Stride, Woodland Know: Nature +5 As Druid Ability
Stride, Urban Know: Local +5 As Druid Ability, but urban terrains only
Stride, Subterranean Know: Dungeoneering +5 As Druid Ability, but subterranean terrains only
-Trackless Step Stride As Druid Ability, but terrain matches Stride feat
-Camouflage Stride, Know: +15 As Ranger Ability, but terrain matches Stride feat
-Hide in Plain Sight Camouflage, Know: +20 As Ranger Ability, but terrain matches Camouflage feat
Resist Nature's Lure Wild Empathy As Druid Ability
Disease Immunity Fort +3, Will +3 As Paladin Divine Health
Venom Immunity Fort +6, Will +6 As Druid Ability
Timeless Body Fort +9, Will +9, Venom Immunity As Druid Ability
Diamond Soul Fort +8, Ref +8, Will +8, Venom Immunity As Monk Ability
Perfect Self Fort Ref Will +12, Timeless Body, Diamond Soul As Monk Ability


Fencing is a Meta-requirement meaning the character has a highly mobile intricate agility based fighting style. To be a fencer the character must meet these requirements:

Somatic Weaponry

You are adept at performing somatic spell components while your hands are occupied.


Concentration 5 Ranks, Spellcraft 5 Ranks


When holding a weapon (or object of comparable size) in one or both hands, you can use that item to trace the somatic component of a spell, rather than using your fingers. This allows you to cast spells with somatic components even while your hands are full or occupied, as long as at least one hand is holding an item of the proper size.

This feat doesn't allow you to use somatic components while carrying a load, restrained, etc or grappling, regardless of the size of your foe.


You must have a hand free to cast somatic components.

Shielded Casting

You are skilled at covering yourself with your shield when casting spells in combat.


Combat Casting, Concentration 5 ranks, Shield Proficiency


As long as you have a light shield, heavy shield, or tower shield ready, you do not provoke attacks of opportunity for casting spells in combat.

Arcane Channeling


Combat Casting, Melee BAB +3


You can use a standard action to cast any touch spell you know and deliver the spell through your weapon with a melee attack. The spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action or less. If the melee attack is successful, the attack deals damage normally; then the effect of the spell is resolved.


Touch spells must be delivered thru an unarmed touch attack or strike.

Arcane Channeling, Improved


Arcane Channeling, Melee BAB +8


You can cast any touch spell you know as part of a full attack action and deliver the spell through your weapon with your first melee attack that round. The spell must have a casting time of 1 standard action or less. If the melee attack is successful, the attack deals damage normally; then the effect of the spell is resolved.

Arcane Channeling, Greater


Improved Arcane Channeling, Melee BAB +13


When using Arcane Channeling to perform a full attack action, you may use one additional attack in the action to channel the same spell.

Arcane Channeling discharges the spell at the end of the round, in the case of a touch spell that would otherwise last longer than 1 round. Each additional successful strike consumes an equivalent number of spell points as the original casting. If you have insufficient spell points or when you choose to stop channeling the current and all remaining attacks in this round become ordinary attacks.


You may select Greater Arcane Channeling an additional time for every 5 BAB ( i.e a second time at +18 and a third at +23 ).

Imbue Arrow


Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot, Weapon Focus(appropriate ranged weapon), Caster Level 1, Ranged BAB +8


You have the ability to place an area spell upon a piece of ammunition. When the ammunition is fired, the spell's area is centered on where the ammunition lands, even if the spell could normally be centered only on the caster. This ability allows the archer to use the weapon's range rather than the spell's. It takes a standard action to cast the spell and fire the ammunition. The ammunition must be fired in the round the spell is cast, or the spell is wasted.

Battle Casting

You have a knack for staying out of harm's way when casting spells.


Dodge, Combat Casting, Concentration 5 ranks, DEX 13


While casting a spell, you gain a +2 dodge bonus to your Armor Class. The bonus lasts until the beginning of your next turn. You cannot make attacks of opportunity while claiming the dodge bonus from this feat.

Spirit Strike

You can channel your personal energy into your melee attacks. Replaces Smite Evil, Ki Strike, and Arcane Strike.


Melee base attack bonus +4 or higher


You may spend SP to attempt to spirit strike with one normal melee attack. You gain a bonus to your attack roll and extra damage as listed in the table below based on your Spirit Type, you current base attack bonus and Spell points spent. Succeed or fail the SP the effect is disipated after the attack.

When you choose this feat choose a spirit type: Fire, Acid, Electricity, Sonic, Cold, Positive(only affects evil), Negative(Only affects good), Earth(boosts weapons enhancement bonus and material type)

Energy Spirit Types
BAB SP Bonus Hit Damage Type
+4 5 +1 +CHA +1d6 Magic
+8 10 +2 +CHA +2d6
+12 15 +3 +CHA +3d6 Aligned
+16 20 +4 +CHA +4d6
+20 30 +5 +CHA +5d6
Earth Spirit Types
BAB SP Bonus Type
+4 2 +1 Magic
+8 5 +2 Cold Iron
+12 10 +4 Aligned, Silver
+16 15 +6 Adamantine
+20 25 +8 Ignore Any DR

Spirit Strike, Improved

The energy from spirit strikes lingers after the initial attack.


Spirit Strike, BAB +8


When you Spirit Strike, your attacks remained charged for a full round after the initial attack. Maintaining the Type modifiers of the original Spirit Strike, but getting the bonus hit and damage from one lower on the table. The Charisma modifier only effects the initial attack.

Multi Hit Combo, Aggregate wounds, Attack Focus (Under development)

The fighter is able to press a chain of successful attacks to open up additional weakness in the target's defenses.


BAB +5


Each successive successful melee attack against an opponent does a cumulative +1d6 damage. This bonus is reset if you go a full round without a successful attack or you make an attack against anyone else.

Close Pole Arm Combat (under development)

You can choke up on a pole arm to use it more effectively in close quarters


BAB +1, weapon focus (any pole weapon)


On your action, before making attack rolls for a round, you may choose to treat a pole weapon you are proficient in as a double weapon. The off hand side of the weapon is treated as a quarterstaff (1d6 Bludgeoning/ x2).

A reach weapon used like this temporarily loses its reach property. This allows the weapon to be used against adjacent foes and with two weapon fighting.


A pole weapon may be used as a untrained improvised double weapon. (-4 to hit, etc.)

Pole Arm Mastery (under development)

You can choke up on a pole arm to use it more effectively in close quarters


BAB +4, Close Pole Arm Combat, weapon focus (any pole weapon with Reach)


When using a polearm you are proficient in with reach, the weapon can be used against an adjacent foe.

Ranged Damage Boost (under development)

TBD Ranged spirit strike (Flat 2SP not +to hit) Ranged Bypass DR (ignore 5 points DR, precise shot) Improved Ranged Bypass DR (ignore 15 points DR, Imp precise shot)




TBD +1d6 damage flat.