• History of World of Chi
  • Prehistory
  • 500 BE (Before the Empire)
  • 400 BE
  • 300 BE
  • 250 BE
  • 200 BE
  • 100 BE
  • 0 NE (Year of the New Empire)
  • 10 NE
  • 150 NE
  • 160 NE
  • 175 NE
  • 200 NE
  • 300 NE
  • 320 NE
  • 400 NE
  • 430 NE
  • 500 NE - today
  • Famous Artifacts
  • Other magic Items
  • Alchemy
  • History of World of Chi


    The beginning the gods of old create the world from the five elements. Then they created animals to populate the world and kami to bring it to life. Next they created man to toil in the fields and do their work. The Kami taught men the way of Shinto and how to control the elements so that they could rise up and free themselves. The gods saw this and decided they needed to watch the people more carefully. In order to control people, they create the hengoykai to be their spies and warriors from animals in the field making them intelligent. They too were mistreated by the gods also and soon joined the men. The sides were formed. One old god Lu-Ti lead the men, Hengoykai, and the kami against the gods. During the battle many of the Hengoykai turned on the army being the secret warriors of the gods and that is why to this day they are still distrusted. In the end, Man and beast won their freedom from the gods. And Lu-Ti created the Celestial Bureaucracy to rule.

    500 BE (Before the Empire)

    Lao-Fu-Tzu becomes a Shinto Priest.

    400 BE

    War of the old gods and Kami begins.

    300 BE

    Lao-Fu-Tzu discovers Buddhism as a path to enlightenment and attains it.

    250 BE

    Lao-Fu-Tzu after obtaining enlightenment writes the Doctrine of Taoism.

    200 BE

    Lu-Ti wins the Kami War and establishes the Celestial Bureaucracy. The Blood of the The dead gods becomes the dragons, oni, and the demons.

    100 BE

    Lao-Fu-Tzu moves to his temple in the northern mountains.

    0 NE (Year of the New Empire)

    Di-Ma's Son, Jiao-Ti, became the first Emperor of the known world, His reign was The dawn of modern civilization.

    10 NE

    Jiao-Ti creates an army of soldiers and spies , samurai and ninja, and lays down the principals of Bushido for them to follow

    150 NE

    Jiao-Ti dies and his identical quintuplet son's divide the kingdom into the current kingdoms each claiming to be rightful emperor of the original Empire. each also managed to take one of the emperor's great artifacts.

    King Location of kingdom Artifact
    Hong Kai Yi The Southern main land kingdom. The Crown
    Fu Shu Er The Kingdom of the Northern Islands. The Sword
    He Chih San The Northern mainland kingdom. The Mirror
    An Mi Si The kingdom of the southern islands. The Signet
    Wa Bing Wu The eastern kingdom. The Scepter

    160 NE

    The return of the barbarian hordes

    175 NE

    The last son of Jiao-Ti dies as the rest, battling his brothers' armies

    200 NE

    The Kings of The Dragons take control of their kingdoms. Ruling over different lesser dragons, monsters.

    300 NE

    150 years after Jiao-Ti's death the Imperial Army Goes through a disastrous breakdown, The Barbarians, constant internal warfare and death of several generations of kings divided them into:

    5 Ninja clans
    each very small and serving the separate kings
    5 Schools of Samurai
    large groups each serving a separate kingdom completely loyal
    Ronin Clan
    A very loose organization of ninja and samurai who wander the 5 kingdoms answering only to themselves
    Yakuza Clan
    A very tight clan of ninja and samurai who ignore the boundaries of the kingdoms and try to reunite them.

    320 NE

    The Yakuza Clan ends up becoming more of an organized crime syndicate and their original leader, Hei-Bao, dies later becoming the King of the First Hell.

    400 NE

    He Chih begins their Great Wall. To protect from barbarians from the north and Hong Kai from the south.

    430 NE

    The Individual kingdoms finally stabilize and begin to reach a peak not seen since the time of Jiao-Ti

    500 NE - today

    Kingdom Emperor Ninjas Samurai Soldiers Population Export
    Hong Kai Bi-Xue 50 50 1,000 1,000,000 Spices
    Fu Shu Hei-Xiang 20 40 600 600,000 Steel
    He Chih Feng-Ying 20 80 1,000 1,000,000 Rice
    An Mi Xian-Yan 30 10 400 400,000 Wood/Gold
    Wa Bing Jing-Xiao 40 10 100 300,000 Silk

    Famous Artifacts

    The Emperor's Crown

    Allows the wearer to understand all languages, communicate telepathically and detect lies.

    The Emperor's Sword

    One handed sword +5 on a natural 16-20 it removes wielder's choice of opponent's limbs including head.

    The Emperor's Mirror

    The Mirror allows the user to see any room he's ever visited and teleport one person who is there to the king.

    The Emperor's Signet

    Allows wielder to copy Attributes, skills, abilities and powers from one target within 100 ft once every 24 hours. can only copy one person at time.

    The Emperor's Scepter:

    Staff +3 , +3 Defense, while concentrating on defense the staff also makes wielder immune to any form of Chi power.

    Other magic Items

    Helm of Understanding

    Helm of Truth

    Magic Sword +0 to +5

    Keen edged Sword

    Mirror of scrying

    Mirror of spirit containment

    ??? of teleportation

    Rich of <1 power, skill, ability or attribute bonus>

    Limit 10 rings, can only have 2 active simultaneously

    Magic Staff +0 to +5

    Staff of Mind Shielding


