Alchemist Recog Decipher Recog Magic Magic Level Poition formula enchat Items Combat 1 15% 9% 50% 15% +1 vs Poisons 2 21 18 54 20 +1 vs Circles/Wards 3 27 27 58 25 /2 mixing time 4 33 36 62 30 can create magic potions 5 39 45 66 35 +1 vs Spells 6 45 54 70 40 +2 vs Poisons 7 51 62 74 45 /3 mixing time 8 57 70 78 50 +2 vs Circles/Wards 9 63 74 80 55 +3 vs Poisons 10 69 78 82 60 +2 vs Spells 11 75 82 84 65 /4 mixing time 12 81 86 86 70 +3 vs Circles/Wards 13 87 90 88 75 +4 vs Poisons 14 93 94 90 80 +3 vs Spells 15 99 98 92 85 /5 mixing time Alchemist OCC Attribute requirements: IQ 12, ME 14 OCC Skills: Create non-magic potions, Magic combat, Recognize Potion, Decipher Formula, Recognize Magic Item, Recognize Enchantment, Recognize Poison(+30%), Use Posion (+15%) Initial Alchemical Knowledge: 4 non-magical potion formulas at first level and 2 magical potion formulas at 4th level. Elective Skills: choose 5 at 1, 3 at 3, 3 at 8, 3 at 12 Secondary Skills: choose 6 at lvl 1, 4 at 4, 4 at 10 XP: as Wizard Skills: HtH: Non-Men of Arms Astrology(Astronomy)(+10) Brewing(+15) Cook(+15) Dowsing(+5) Farie Lore(+10)(+20 for farie food) Gardening(+10) Heraldry(+5) History(+10) Identify Plants/ Fruits(Botany)(+15) Language(+20) Mathmatics(+15) Medical(+20) Pottery(+10) Preserve Food(+5) Prospecting(Geology)(+10) Read/Write(+20) Recognize Place of Power(+10) Recognize Precious Metals/Gems(+15) Religious Lore(+5) W.P. Blunt W.P. Knives W.P. Short Swords W.P. Small Shield W.P. Staves W.P. Black Powder W.P. Blow Pipe W.P. Cross Bow W.P. Short Bow W.P. Small Thrown(shurikens, knives, spikes, etc.) W.P. Targeting Non-Magic Elixers/Poisons Name: Ingredients: Mixing Time: Effect: