Jucier Drugs and Cyberware ========================== New drug rules +body effect 15 diff +MA 10 diff Duration: turns x1 minutes x2 hours x4 days x8 months x16 cost=[(total effects) x (strength) - side effects] x (duration mod)x10eb diff=sqrt(cost) Name: Super Soldier Juicer Effects: +3 REF, +3 BODY, +3 Healing Rate, +3 Endurance, negate Pain/reduce stun (+6 to Stun Saves) Side Effects: Psychological Addiction, Physiological Addiction, Sterility, Carcinogenic, Death. Strength: +3 Difficulty: 166 Cost: 27840 per dose Duration: 1d10+1 months Name: Hyperion Juicer Effects: +3 REF, +3 MA,+3 endurance, +3 running, +3 Healing rate Side Effects: Psychological Addiction, Physiological Addiction, Sterility, Carcinogenic, Death. Strength: +3 Difficulty: 143 Cost: 20640 per dose Duration: 1d10+1 months Name: Investigator Juicer Effects: +3 INT, +3 COOL, +3 Awareness Side Effects: Psychological Addiction, Physiological Addiction, Sterility, Carcinogenic, Death. Strength: +3 Difficulty: 115 Cost: 13440 per dose Duration: 1d10+1 months Name: EspOp Juicer Effects: +3 REF, +3 COOL, +3 TECH, negate pain/reduce stun (+6 stun) Side Effects: Psychological Addiction, Physiological Addiction, Sterility, Carcinogenic, Death. Strength: +3 Difficulty: 151 Cost: 23040 per dose Duration: 1d10+1 months Cybernetics/Equipment: Biomonitor N/100/1 Cybernetic Autoinjector(chrome 3 p3) M/750/1d6/2 biomonitor uplink -/200/- Total(Minimum) M/1050/ 1d6/2+1 Biomonitor N/100/1 Cybernetic Autoinjector(chrome 3 p3) M/750/1d6/2 biomonitor uplink -/200/- Adrenal Booster M/400/2d6 Total(Standard) MA/1450/ 5d6/2+1 Biomonitor N/100/1 Cybernetic Autoinjector(chrome 3 p3) M/750/1d6/2 biomonitor uplink -/200/- Adrenal Booster M/400/2d6 Bodycomp(chrome 2 p8) MA/1750/1d6+4 Medscanner Package -/250/- Drug Analyzer -/75/- Total (advanced +3 to resist side effects) Cr/3525/4d6+2 Total Basic Cost (5 x dose cost) + cybernetic package cost.