Combat Styles and Bonuses ========================= In the World of Chi, all fighting styles were taught to humans by the intelligent animal spirits. Each style linked to the animal that taught it. ### APE - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +2 - Hand: +3 - Foot:+1 - Weapon: +2 - Grab: +3 - Throw: +1 - Special Katas: - Chi Gung, Stomp, Lock, Grab/Punch, Grab/Head Bash ### BEAR - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +0 - Hand: +4 - Foot: +1 - Weapon: +3 - Grab: +4 - Throw:+1 - Special Katas: - Lock, Chi Gung, Bear "Claw", Auto-punch, Vibrating Palm ### CARP - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +2 - Hand: +1 - Foot: +4 - Weapon: +1 - Grab: +1 - Throw: +3 - Special Katas: - Calm minds, Jump kick, Weight reduction, Push Open Hand, K/O attack ### CANARY - Attacks: 1 - Defense: +4 - Hand: +1 - Foot: +1 - Weapon: +1 - Grab: +4 - Throw: +2 - Special Katas: - Auto hold, Jump kick, jump punch, break fall, Weight Reduction ### CAT - Attacks: 3 - Defense: +2 - Hand: +3 - Foot: +2 - Weapon: +3 - Grab: +0 - Throw: +0 - Special Katas: - Jump kick, jump punch, jump slash, cat "Claw", Weight Reduction ### CHAMELEON - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +3 - Hand: +1 - Foot: +1 - Weapon: +3 - Grab: +3 - Throw:+1 - Special Katas: - Weight Reduction, Grab/kick, Jump Kick, Calm Minds, K/O attack ### CRAB - Attacks: 3 - Defense: +2 - Hand: +3 - Foot: +0 - Weapon: +3 - Grab: +2 - Throw: +0 - Special Katas: - Chi Gung, Grab/punch, Grab/slash, Claw Strike, Lock ### CRANE - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +4 - Hand: +2 - Foot: +4 - Weapon: +0 - Grab: +2 - Throw: +0 - Special Katas: - Grab/Kick, Crane "claw", Break fall, Jump Kick, Weight Reduction ### DOG - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +3 - Hand: +3 - Foot: +3 - Weapon: +1 - Grab: +1 - Throw: +1 - Special Katas: - Chi Gung, Jump punch, Claw Strike, Vibrating Palm, Lightning attack ### DRAKE - Attacks: 3 - Defense: +1 - Hand: +3 - Foot: +1 - Weapon: +4 - Grab: +1 - Throw: +0 - Special Katas: - Jump kick, Jump punch, Jump Slash, Auto-Slash, Weight Reduction ### EAGLE - Attacks: 3 - Defense: +2 - Hand: +4 - Foot: +1 - Weapon: +2 - Grab: +1 - Throw: +0 - Special Katas: - Eagle "claw", Auto-punch, jump kick, Break Fall, Jump Punch ### ELEPHANT - Attacks: 1 - Defense: +1 - Hand: +3 - Foot: +4 - Weapon: +3 - Grab: +1 - Throw: +1 - Special Katas: - Chi Gung, Stomp, Lock, Push open hand, Calm minds ### FOX - Attacks: 3 - Defense: +3 - Hand: +1 - Foot: +2 - Weapon: +2 - Grab: +1 - Throw: +1 - Special Katas: - Jump kick, Jump punch, Paralysis attack, Vibrating palm, Breakfall ### HARE - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +4 - Hand: +3 - Foot: +2 - Weapon: +0 - Grab: +2 - Throw: +1 - Special Katas: - Push Open Hand, Vibrating Palm, Break Fall, Calm minds, Weight Reduction ### LEOPARD - Attacks: 3 - Defense: +2 - Hand: +2 - Foot: +1 - Weapon: +3 - Grab: +1 - Throw: +1 - Special Katas: - Claw strike, grab/punch, Blindness Strike, Break fall, Calm minds ### MANTIS - Attacks: 3 - Defense: +1 - Hand: +3 - Foot: +0 - Weapon: +2 - Grab: +3 - Throw: +1 - Special Katas: - Paralysis attack, Finger tip chi attack, grab/punch, lock, Blindness strike ### MONKEY - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +2 - Hand: +2 - Foot: +2 - Weapon: +2 - Grab: +2 - Throw: +2 - Special Katas: - Weight reduction, grab/punch, break fall, jump kick, jump punch ### RACCOON - Attacks: 1 - Defense: +4 - Hand: +1 - Foot: +0 - Weapon: +0 - Grab: +4 - Throw: +4 - Special Katas: - Auto-throw, Auto-hold, K/O attack, Lock, Push open hand ### RAT - Attacks: 1 - Defense: +4 - Hand: +4 - Foot: +1 - Weapon: +1 - Grab: +2 - Throw: +1 - Special Katas: - Auto-Hold, grab/punch, grab/slash, grab/head bash, KO attack ### SNAKE - Attacks: 1 - Defense: +3 - Hand: +4 - Foot: +1 - Weapon: +2 - Grab: +3 - Throw: +1 - Special Katas: - Paralysis attack, Finger tip chi attack, Blindness strike, K/O attack, Calm Minds ### STEED - Attacks: 3 - Defense: +2 - Hand: +2 - Foot: +4 - Weapon: +0 - Grab: +2 - Throw: +0 - Special Katas: - Lightning attack, Grab/kick, Jump kick, Breakfall, Stomp ### TIGER - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +1 - Hand: +3 - Foot: +0 - Weapon: +3 - Grab: +3 - Throw: +2 - Special Katas: - Claw strike, Chi Gung, Jump punch, break fall, weight reduction ### TURTLE - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +4 - Hand: +2 - Foot: +0 - Weapon: +0 - Grab: +4 - Throw: +2 - Special Katas: - Chi Gung, Lightning strike, Break fall, Auto-throw, Vibrating palm ### WOLF - Attacks: 2 - Defense: +3 - Hand: +2 - Foot: +2 - Weapon: +2 - Grab: +1 - Throw: +2 - Special Katas: - Claw strike, Weight Reduction, Jump kick, Jump punch, Break fall ### WOLVERINE - Attacks: 3 - Defense: +1 - Hand: +3 - Foot: +2 - Weapon: +3 - Grab: +1 - Throw: +0 - Special Katas: - Lightning attack, Claw strike, grab/head bash, Auto-punch, Lock Combat Moves ------------ |Maneuver | Damage/Effect | Speed/Limitation | |----------------|---------------|-------------------------------------------| |Defense: | | | |-Dodge | | | |-Parry | | | |-Roll | | | |-Escape | | | |Hand: | | | |-Finger: | 0 | 0 | |-Elbow/Forearm: | 1 | 1 | |-Punch: | 1 | 2 | |-Chop: | 2 | 3 | |-Uppercut: | 3 | 5/can only be used once per round | |-Power Punch: | 4 | 4/uses 2 attacks | |Foot: | | | |-Knee: | 2 | 3 | |-Kick: | 3 | 4 | |-Sweep: | knock down | 4 | |-Wheel Kick: | 4 | 6/can only be used once per round | |-Power Kick: | 5 | 5/uses 2 attacks | |Weapon: | | | |-Slash: | by weapon | by weapon | |Grab: | | | |-Grab: | 0 | 1 | |-Choke/Hold: | 3/att | 1/requires opponent to already be grabbed | |-Disarm: | 0 | 3 | |-Catch: | 0 | 3/must first successfully dodge | |Throw: | | | |-Flip: | 6 | 6/requires grab | |-Pin: | 1 | 3/requires grab | Special Katas ------------- |Kata/Ability | Chi | Speed | damage | |---------------------|---------|---------|-----------------------------------------| |Auto-Hold | 0 | 0 | grab | | Any melee attack that is parried can automatically be countered with a grab |||| | attempt,(must strike opponent can defend) |||| | note: auto-attacks cannot be counter attacked |||| |Auto-Punch | 0 | 0 | 2 or claw | | Any melee attack that is parried can automatically be countered with a claw |||| | or punch if the claw is used it uses up the one claw strike for that round |||| | attempt,(must strike opponent can defend) |||| | note: auto-attacks cannot be counter attacked |||| |Auto-Slash | 0 | 0 | by weapon ignore STR mod to damage | | Any melee attack that is parried can automatically be countered with a |||| | slash attempt,(must strike opponent can defend) |||| | note: auto-attacks cannot be counter attacked |||| |Auto-Throw | 0 | 0 | half normal throw damage | | Any melee attack that is parried can automatically be countered with a |||| | Throw attempt,(must strike use grab bonus to strike opponent can defend) |||| | note: auto-attacks cannot be counter attacked |||| |Blindness strike | 1 | 1 | blindness for 2d4 minutes | |Break fall | 0 | 0 | 0 | | character can defend against throw attacks for no damage and no loss of |||| | attack(instead of usual half and still lost attack) |||| | character can also defend against falls roll vs (height/50ft) to take 1 |||| | point of damage for every 50ft fallen, failure is still half normal damage |||| |Calm minds | 10 | 3 | calm for 10 min | | EVERYONE in 100' gets an overwhelming sense of calm. useful to talk out |||| | situations or make guard's security a little more lax. |||| |Chi Gung | 0 | 0 | adds 5 to reduce damage mod | |Claw strike | 0 | 5 | 2d4 | | can only be used once per round |||| |Finger tip chi attack| x | 0 | 2x ignore both STR mods | |Grab/Head bash | 0 | 6 | 3 | | the character first grabs his opponent(roll grab) then he bashes him with |||| | his head (roll second strike grab with extra +5) |||| |Grab/Kick | 0 | 8 | 3 | | form 1: |||| | the character first grabs his opponent(roll grab) then he kicks him (roll |||| | kick with extra +5) |||| | form 2: |||| | the character first grabs one opponent(roll grab) then he kicks another |||| | (roll kick) |||| |Grab/Punch | 0 | 6 | 2 | | the character first grabs his opponent(roll grab) then he punches him (roll |||| | punch with extra +5) |||| |Grab/Slash | 0 | weapon+2 | by weapon | | the character first grabs his opponent(roll grab) then he slashes him (roll |||| | weapon with extra +5 to hit only) |||| |Jump kick | 0 | 6 | 6 | | uses two attacks |||| |Jump punch | 0 | 5 | 4 | | uses two attacks |||| |Jump slash | 0 | (by weapon x 2) || | uses two attacks |||| |K/O attack | 1 | 3 | Stun opponent for 1 minute | |Lightning attack | 1 | 5 | - | | character can use all attacks at once in the beginning of the round, |||| | character gets 1 extra attack, character is -4 to all defenses. |||| |Lock | 0 | 1 | 4/round | | if the locked person escapes or is forced out he takes 3d6 damage |||| |Paralysis attack | 1 | 3 | target loses all remaining attacks | |Push Open Hand | 1 | 2 | 1d6 damage | | knockdown and back chi feet |||| |Stomp | 5 | 5 | knock down | | creates a mini earth quake knocking over everyone who doesn't defend |||| | within 20 ft |||| |Vibrating Palm | 0 | 0 | 1 to start | | each successive hit doubles the damage damage done |||| |Weight reduction | 1 | 0 | for 5 min | | +10 to applicable skills |||| | can climb at normal walking speed |||| | can jump/fall 10x normal ||||