
Weapon Table

This is the table of available weapons descriptions of the various fields follow.

Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Brass Knuckles 3 20/x2 - .5 CD - - - HtH Simple $1.50
Gauntlet 3 20/x2 - .5 CD - - - HtH Simple $2
Dagger Punching 6 25/x3 - .5 BD - - - HtH Simple $2
Gauntlet Spiked 6 25/x3 - .5 BD - - - HtH Simple $5
Unarmed 3 20/x2 - - SCD - - - HtH Simple --
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Dagger 6 19/x2 Thr .5 BD -2 - - B/Thr Simple $2
Sword, Short 10 19/x2 - 1 BD -1 - - B Rogue $10
Sword, Long 13 19/x2 - 2 BD 0 - - B Martial $15
Sword, Bastard 16 19/x2 - 3 BD +1 - - B Martial/Heavy $35
Sword, Great 20 19/x2 - 4 BD +2 - - B Martial $50
Sword, Double 16/16 19/x2 - 5 BD +2 - - B Martial/Double $100
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Hammer, Light 6 20/x2 Thr 1 CD -2 - - C/Thr Laborer $1
Mace, Light 10 20/x2 - 2 CD -1 - - C Laborer $5
Mace, Heavy 13 20/x2 - 4 CD 0 - - C Laborer $12
Hammer, War 16 20/x2 - 5 CD +1 - - C Martial/Heavy $40
Hammer, Great 20 20/x2 - 6 CD +2 - - C Laborer $30
Hammer, Giant 23 20/x2 - 10 CD +3 - - C Laborer/Heavy $50
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Throwing Stick 3 20/x2 2 x Thr .5 CD -2 - - Thr Simple $0.20
Baton 6 20/x2 Thr 1 CD -1 - - C Simple $1
Club 10 20/x2 Thr 2 CD 0 - - C Simple $1.50
Baseball Bat 13 20/x2 - 3 CD +1 - - C Simple/Heavy $3.50
Greatclub 16 20/x2 - 4 CD +2 - - C Laborer $5
QuarterStaff 10/10 20/x2 - 2 CD +2 - - C Simple/Double $2
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Dart 6 20/x2 Thr .25 BD -2 - - Thr Simple $0.50
Javelin 10 20/x2 2 x Thr 1 BD -1 - - Thr Simple $1
Spear, Short 10 20/x2 Thr 2 BD -1 - - Pol Simple $1
Spear(S) 13 20/x2 Thr 3 BD 0 - - Pol Laborer $2
Spear, Long(R+,S) 13 20/x2 - 4 BD +1 - - Pol Laborer/Heavy $5
Lance(R+,C) 13 20/x2 - 4 BD +1 - - Pol Martial/Heavy $10
Pike(R,S) 16 20/x2 - 5 BD +2 - - Pol Laborer $10
Spear, Double(S) 13/13 20/x2 Thr 4 BD +2 - - Pol Martial/Double $15
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Axe, Throwing 6 25/x3 Thr 1 BD -2 - - Thr Rogue/Laborer $2
Axe, Hand 10 25/x3 - 2 BD -1 - - C Rogue/Laborer $7
Axe, Battle 13 25/x3 - 3 BD 0 - - C Martial $10
Axe, War 16 25/x3 - 4 BD +1 - - C Laborer/Heavy $30
Glaive(R) 16 25/x3 - 5 BD +2 - - Pol Martial $8
Gluisarme(R,T) 13 25/x3 - 5 BD +2 - - Pol Martial $9
Halberd(S,T) 16 25/x3 - 5 BD +2 - - C Martial $10
Axe, Great 20 25/x3 - 6 BD +2 - - C Martial $20
Maul, Great 23 25/x3 - 10 BD +3 - - C Laborer/Heavy $40
Axe, Double 13/13 25/x3 - 8 BD +2 - - C Martial/Double $60
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Kukri 6 18/x2 - 1 BD -1 - - B Rogue $8
Rapier 10 18/x2 - 1 BD 0 - - B Rogue $20
Scimitar 10 18/x2 - 2 BD 0 - - B Martial $15
Falchion 16 18/x2 - 4 BD +2 - - B Martial $75
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Pick, Light 6 30/x4 - 2 BD -1 - - C Rogue/Laborer $4
Pick, Heavy 10 30/x4 - 3 BD 0 - - C Martial $8
Scythe 13 30/x4 - 5 BD +2 - - C Laborer $18
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Nunchaku(D) 10 20/x2 - 1 CD -1 - - C/Ent Rogue/Laborer $2
Flail(D) 13 20/x2 - 3 CD 0 - - C Martial $8
Flail, Heavy(D) 20 20/x2 - 5 CD +2 - - C Martial $15
Flail, Double 13/13 20/x2 - 5 CD +2 - - C Martial/Double $90
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Sai(D,P) 6 20/x2 Thr .5 CD -2 - - Ent Rogue $1
Main-Gauche(D,P) 6 20/x2 Thr .5 BD -2 - - B Rogue $2
Trident(S) 13 20/x2 Thr 2 BD 0 - - Pol Martial $15
Ranseur(R,D) 16 20/x2 6 BD +2 - - Pol Martial $10
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Sickle 10 20/x2 - 1 BD -1 - - B Laborer $6
Kama 10 20/x2 - 1 BD -1 - - B Rogue $2
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Whip(D,T,R+) 3 20/x2 6 1 SCD -1 - - Ent Entangle $1
Kusari-gama(D,T,R+) 13 20/x2 - 5 BD +2 - - Ent Entangle $25
Spiked Chain(D,T,R+) 13 20/x2 - 5 BD +2 - - Ent Entangle $25
Lasso (20m Rope) 0 NA 1 5 -- +2 - - Ent Entangle $10
Grapple Hook (20m Rope) 6 NA 1 7 BD +2 - - Ent Entangle $20
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Tonfa(D,P) 6 20/x2 1 CD -1 - - C Martial $2
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Bolas(T) 6 20/x2 Thr 1 SCD -1 - - Thr Entangle $5
Net(Entangles) 0 NA 4 3 - +1 - - Thr Entangle $20
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Sling(Re) 6 20/x2 16 0 CD -1 - 1(Mv) Thr Simple $1
Bow, Short 10 25/x3 20 1 BD 0 - 1(Fr) Arch Rogue $30
Bow, Short Composite 10 25/x3 24 1 BD 0 - 1(Fr) Arch Rogue $75
Bow, Long 13 25/x3 30 2 BD +1 - 1(Fr) Arch Martial $75
Bow, Long Composite 13 25/x3 34 2 BD +1 - 1(Fr) Arch Martial $100
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Vibro-(any BD weapon) x2 same same same same same same same same same x3
Vibro-Knife 12 19/x2 Thr .5 BD -2 - - B Simple $6
Vibro-Blade 20 19/x2 - 1 BD -1 - - B Rogue $30
Vibro-Sword 26 19/x2 - 2 BD 0 - - B Martial $45
Vibro-Axe 32 25/x3 - 4 BD +1 - - B Martial/Heavy $90
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
E-(any BD weapon) x3 same same .5 HED GM Disc same same same Exotic x10
E-Sword, Light 30 18/x2 - .5 HED -1 - - B Exotic $150
E-Sword 40 19/x2 - .5 HED -1 - - B Exotic $150
E-Sword, Double 30/30 19/x2 - .5 HED 0 - - B Exotic/Double $1000
E-Whip(D,T,R+) 20 20/x2 4 .5 HED -1 - - Ent Exotic/Entangle $10
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Stun Baton 20 20/x2 - 2 SED -1 - - C Simple $10
Stun Mace 26 20/x2 - 4 SED 0 - - C Martial $24
Force Pike 20/20 20/x2 - 4 CD/SED 0 - - C Simple/Double $100
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Crossbow, Hand 21 19/x2 10 1 BD -1 - 1(Mv) Tar Rogue $100
Crossbow, Light 28 19/x2 26 2 BD +1 - 1(Mv) Tar Simple $35
Crossbow, Heavy 31 19/x2 40 4 BD +2 - 1(Fl) Tar Simple $50
Crossbow, Repeating L 28 19/x2 26 3 BD +2 +1 5(Fl) Auto Martial $250
Crossbow, Repeating H 31 19/x2 40 6 BD +3 +1 5(Fl) Auto Martial/Heavy $400
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Flintlock Pistol 35 20/x2 26 2 GD -1 0 1(Fl) Tar Exotic $250
Flintlock Rifle 41 20/x2 40 4 GD +1 0 1(Fl) Tar Exotic $500
Shotgun, Blunderbuss 41 25/x3 10 4 GD +2 0 1(Fl) Tar Exotic $500
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Revolver, Light (Re) 35 19/x2 40 .5 GD -1 0 6(Fl) Tar Simple $10
Revolver, Heavy (Re) 41 19/x2 40 1 GD +1 0 6(Fl) Tar Simple/Heavy $20
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Derringer 27 19/x2 40 .5 GD -2 0 2(Mv) Tar Rogue $10
Pistol, Light 35 19/x2 50 1 GD -1 0 10(Mv) Tar Simple $20
Pistol, Heavy 41 19/x2 50 3 GD +1 0 10(Mv) Tar Simple/Heavy $45
Rifle, Sport 48 19/x2 80 4 GD +2 0 15(Mv) Tar Simple $40
Rifle, Sniper 48 18/x2 120 4 GD +2 0 15(Mv) Tar Rogue $150
Anti-Tank Weapon 65 25/x3 100 6 GD +3 0 1(Fl) Tar Martial/Heavy $200
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Pistol, Spy 27 19/x2 40 .5 GD -2 +1 15(Mv) Tar/Aut Rogue $30
Pistol, Auto 35 19/x2 50 2 GD 0 +1 15(Mv) Tar/Aut Rogue/Laborer $40
Carbine 41 19/x2 50 4 GD +1 +1 15(Mv) Tar/Aut Rogue/Laborer $80
Rifle, Automatic 48 19/x2 80 5 GD +2 +1 15(Mv) Tar/Aut Martial $170
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Needler 27 19/x2 40 1 GD -1 +2 30(Mv) Auto Rogue $100
Pistol, Machine 35 19/x2 50 2 GD +1 +2 30(Mv) Auto Rogue/Heavy $100
Submachine Gun 41 19/x2 50 4 GD +2 +2 30(Mv) Auto Martial $130
Machine Gun, Light 48 19/x2 80 6 GD +3 +2 30(Mv) Auto Martial/Heavy $250
Machine Gun, Heavy 55 19/x2 100 8 GD +4 +2 30(Mv) Auto Martial $300
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Shotgun, Breach Loading 48 25/x3 10 4 GD +2 0 1(Mv) Tar Simple $10
Shotgun, Double Barrel 48/72 25/x3 10 4 GD +2 0 2/1(Mv) Tar Laborer $20
Shotgun, Pump or Lever 48 25/x3 10 2 GD +1 0 6(Fl) Tar Laborer/Heavy $40
Shotgun, Assault 48 25/x3 10 5 GD +3 +2 12(Mv) Tar Martial/Heavy $250
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
E-Pistol, Light 45(30) 19/x2 60 .5 HED/SED -1 0 50S(Mv) Tar Simple $60
E-Pistol 45(30) 19/x2 60 1 HED/SED 0 +1 50S(Mv) Tar/Aut Simple $120
E-Pistol, Heavy 55(50) 19/x2 90 2 HED/SED +1 0 30S(Mv) Tar Simple/Heavy $135
E-Carbine 45(30) 19/x2 60 3 HED/SED +1 +2 100L(Mv) Auto Rogue/Heavy $300
E-Rifle 65(75) 19/x2 90 4 HED/SED +2 +1 40L(Mv) Tar/Aut Martial $510
E-Rifle, Repeat 65(75) 19/x2 90 5 HED/SED +3 +2 40L(Mv) Auto Martial/Heavy $750
E-Rifle, Sniper 65(75) 18/x2 130 4 HED/SED +2 0 40L(Mv) Tar Rogue $450
E-Gun, Heavy Repeating 75(100) 19/x2 130 8 HED/SED +4 +2 250H(Fl) Auto Martial $900
Energy Cannon 85(160) 25/x3 110 6 HED/SED +3 - 9S(Mv) Tar Martial/Heavy $600
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
ChainSaw 33 25/x3 - 5 BD +1 - - C/B Laborer/Heavy $60
ChainSaw, Light 26 25/x3 - 4 BD 0 - - C/B Laborer $30
ChainSaw, Heavy 40 25/x3 - 7 BD +2 - - C/B Laborer $90
ChainSaw, Pole(S) 26 20/x2 - 4 BD +1 - - Pol Laborer/Heavy $30
Extended(R,S) 26 20/x2 - 4 BD +2 - - Pol Laborer
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Sap 10 20/x2 - 1 SCD -2 - - C Martial $5
Cattle Prod 20 25/x3 - 1 HED -1 - - Pol Laborer $10
Taser 20 19/x2 - 1 SED -1 - 10(Mv) B Simple $15
Firing Taser 35 19/x2 5 1 SED -1 0 1(Mv) Tar Simple $40
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Pistol Whip 6 20/x2 - - CD C Simple --
Rifle Butt 10 20/x2 - - CD C Simple --
Bayonette, Rifle(S) 13 20/x2 - +.5 BD 0 - - Pol Martial $5
Vibro-Bayonette 26 20/x2 - +.5 BD 0 - - Pol Martial $15
Firing knife 6/35 19/x2 Thr/40 1 BD/GD -2 - 1(Fl) B/Tar Rogue $20
Air Fired Spear Gun 13/28 20/x2 30 4 BD +1 - 1(Mv) Pol/Tar Laborer $30
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Blowgun 3 20/x2 10 1 BD -1 - 1(Mv) Arch Rogue $2
Shuriken 3 20/x2 Thr 1/20 BD -2 - 1(Fr) Thr Martial $2
Small Thrown 3 20/x2 Thr 1/20 BD -2 - 1(Mv) Thr Rogue $1
Hypodermic Needle 3 - - 1 BD -1 - 1(Fl) B Exotic $2
Hypo Spray 0 - - 1 - -1 - 6(Mv) B Exotic $20
Flare Gun 28 20/x2 30 2 HED -1 0 1(Mv) Tar Exotic $10
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Gas gun 0 - 10 2 - 0 - 6(Mv) Tar Martial $20
Flamethrower (F) 55 - 50Line 26 HED +2 - 7(4m) Flm Martial/Heavy $100
Plasmathrower (F) 75(3000) - 50Line 26 HED +2 - 8H(Fl) Flm Martial/Heavy $300
Weapon Name Damage Crit Range Weight Type Size ROF Capacity Skill Group Cost
Grenade, Thrown Grenade - Thr 1/4 - -2 - 1(Mv) Thr Martial --
Grenade Gun Grenade - 10 1 - -1 - 1(Mv) Mis Martial $10
Grenade Launcher Grenade - 40 3 - +1 - 1(Mv) Mis Martial $15
Grenade Launcher, Multi Grenade - 40 6 - +3 +1 12(Fl) Mis Martial/Heavy $100


Grenades Damage Area Save Weight Type Capacity Cost
Smoke, Signalling - 2Rad - 1/4 - $2
Smoke, Obscuring Std 8Rad - 1/4 - $4
Smoke, Dense Full 4Rad - 1/4 - $4
Gas 0 4Rad varies 1/4 - ~
Acid 25 2Rad 20 1/4 AED $10
Greek Fire (F) 25 2Rad 20 1/4 HED $20
GunPowder Bomb 35 2Rad 20 1/4 HED $30
GunPowder Frag Bomb 45 2Rad 20 1/4 GD $30
Molotov (F) 45 2Rad 20 1/4 HED $30
Holy Water 35 2Rad 20 1/4 PED $25
Dynamite 45 4Rad 20 1/4 WED $30
Frag 65 4Rad 20 1/4 GD $50
Stun(Flash Bang) 65 4Rad 30 1/4 SED $50
Concussion 115 8Rad 20 1/4 WED $100
Incendiary (F) 115 8Rad 25 1/4 HED $150
E-Grenade, Reusable 115(1500) 4Rad 20 1/2 HED 1S(2m) $300


Weapon Name

The name of the weapon with special weapon qualities in parenthesis.

Special Weapon Qualitites

Reach Attack two spaces away rather than adjacent
Reach Attack two spaces away. The wielder can choose to "choke-up" on the weapon on his turn to use it without reach.
Tripping weapon +2 to trip attempts can drop weapon rather than be tripped
Disarming weapon +2 disarm attempts
Parrying weapon Provides +1 shield bonus like a buckler. If you attack with the parrying weapon, you don't get the shield bonus for the rest of the round.
Can be set against a charge to do double damage
Charge weapon does double damage from back of charging mount
Flame weapon causes combustibles including wood, clothes, characters to be set on fire(3HED per round until extiguished) unless they make a Roll vs ??DC for half damage. On critical failures, flame weapons always result in friendly fire, possibly even hitting the user.
Reliable ranged weapons don't need to be unjammed or restrung on critical failures


How much damage the weapon does on a hit.

Legacy Damage

If you want to know how the weapon damages would map to old d20 weapons. For Most Weapons look up the damage in the first column and go across to either d6 (for d6 only equivalent damage) or Multi-Die for the even more classic damage. For Target and other modern weapons that don't apply strength, look up the damage in the Target column. For example, a 13 damage long sword does either 1d6+1 or 1d8 damage. While a 28 damage Light crossbow, also does 1d8 damage in d20 systems.

Damage Target/Auto d6 Multi-Die Old Points
1 16 - - -
2 17 - - -
3 18 1 1 1
4 19 1 1d2 1
5 20 1 1d2 1
6 21 2 1d3 2
7 22 2 1d4 2
8 23 2 1d4 2
9 24 2 2d2 2
10 25 1d6 1d6 3
11 26 1d6 2d3 3
12 27 1d6 2d3 3
13 28 1d6+1 1d8 4
14 29 1d6+1 2d4 4
15 30 1d6+1 2d4 4
16 31 1d6+2 1d10 5
17 32 1d6+2 1d10 5
18 33 1d6+2 1d10 5
19 34 1d6+2 1d12 5
20 35 2d6 2d6 6
21 36 2d6 3d4 6
22 37 2d6 3d4 6
23 38 2d6+1 4d3 7
24 39 2d6+1 4d3 7
25 40 2d6+1 4d3 7
26 41 2d6+2 2d8 8
27 42 2d6+2 2d8 8
28 43 2d6+2 4d4 8
29 44 2d6+2 4d4 8
30 45 3d6 3d6 9
31 46 3d6 3d6 9
32 47 3d6 2d10 9
33 48 3d6+1 2d10 10
34 49 3d6+1 2d10 10
35 50 3d6+1 5d4 10
36 51 3d6+2 5d4 11
37 52 3d6+2 5d4 11
38 53 3d6+2 2d12 11
39 54 3d6+2 3d8 11
40 55 4d6 4d6 12
41 56 4d6 4d6 12
42 57 4d6 6d4 12
43 58 4d6+1 6d4 13
44 59 4d6+1 6d4 13
45 60 4d6+1 6d4 13
46 61 4d6+2 6d4 14
47 62 4d6+2 6d4 14
48 63 4d6+2 3d10 14
49 64 4d6+2 7d4 14
50 65 5d6 5d6 15
51 66 5d6 5d6 15
52 67 5d6 4d8 15
53 68 5d6+1 4d8 16
54 69 5d6+1 4d8 16
55 70 5d6+1 4d8 16
56 71 5d6+2 8d4 17
57 72 5d6+2 3d12 17
58 73 5d6+2 3d12 17
59 74 5d6+2 3d12 17
60 75 6d6 6d6 18
61 76 6d6 6d6 18
62 77 6d6 6d6 18
63 78 6d6+1 9d4 19
64 79 6d6+1 4d10 19
65 80 6d6+1 5d8 19
66 81 6d6+2 5d8 20
67 82 6d6+2 5d8 20
68 83 6d6+2 5d8 20
69 84 6d6+2 5d8 20
70 85 7d6 7d6 21


The threat range and critical hit weapon damage multiplier.


Range increment of weapon in yards.


Encumbrance of weapon in kilos.


Damage Type of the damage done by this weapon.


Size Conceal Wield
-2 Pocket 1 Hand (Palmable)
-1 Jacket 1 Hand (Light)
0 Long Coat 1 Hand
+1 Long Coat 2 Hands
+2 Not 2 Hands
+3 Not 2 Hands w/ Tripod
+4 Not 2 Hands w/ Tripod
More Not Built into Turret


The number of extra attacks that can be taken with the multishot feat


The number of shots that can be taken with the weapon before reloading.

The action time to reload is also indicated.

Code Reload Action Type
Fr Free Action
Mv Move Action
Fl Full Action
NUMr NUM Full Round Actions
NUMm NUM Minutes


The skill used to determine Attack Bonus with this weapon.

Code Skill
Gr Weapon Use: Grappling
HtH Weapon Use: Unarmed Strike
C Weapon Use: Crushing Weapons
Ent Weapon Use: Entangling Weapons
B Weapon Use: Blades
Pol Weapon Use: Polearms
Thr Weapon Use: Thrown
Arch Weapon Use: Archery
Tar Weapon Use: Target Weapons
Auto Weapon Use: Assault Weapons
Flm Weapon Use: Flamethrower/Hvy E-Weapon
Mis Weapon Use: Missile/Grenade Launchers
Art Weapon Use: Artillery/Mortar


The feat needed to have exposure to and gain proficiency in the weapon.

Heavy Weapons count as one size smaller when wielded by a character with the Heavy Weapons Proficiency feat.


The purchase price of the weapon.


In general, ammunition cannot be shared between weapons of different types or that do different amounts of damage. i.e. a sport and assault rifle may be able share ammunition, but a light and heavy handgun never can.

Type Rounds Cost
Handgun 50 $5
Rifle 50 $10
Flintlock 1 $10
Shotgun shells 10 $5
Arrows 1 $0.5
Bolts 1 $0.5
Flamethrower Refill N/A $10

Energy Weapon Ammunition

Type E-Charges Reload Recharge Rate Charge Time Cost
Short 1500 Move 0 20 min $100
Long 3000 Move 0 1 hour $300
Heavy 25000 Full 0 1 day $1000
Generator, hip pack 2500 1 min 1 per round 1 hour $1000
Generator, backpack 20000 1 min 10 per round 1 day $4000